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  • English Word Hyomental Definition Between the hyoid bone and the lower jaw, pertaining to them; suprahyoid; submaxillary; as, the hyomental region of the front of the neck.
  • English Word Hyopastron Definition The second lateral plate in the plastron of turtles; -- called also hyosternum.
  • English Word Hyoscine Definition An alkaloid found with hyoscyamine (with which it is also isomeric) in henbane, and extracted as a white, amorphous, semisolid substance.
  • English Word Hyoscyamine Definition An alkaloid found in henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), and regarded as its active principle. It is also found with other alkaloids in the thorn apple and deadly nightshade. It is extracted as a white crystalline substance, with a sharp, offensive taste. Hyoscyamine is isomeric with atropine, is very poisonous, and is used as a medicine for neuralgia, like belladonna. Called also hyoscyamia, duboisine, etc.
  • English Word Hyoscyamus Definition A genus of poisonous plants of the Nightshade family; henbane.
  • English Word Hyoscyamus Definition The leaves of the black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), used in neuralgic and pectorial troubles.
  • English Word Hyosternal Definition Between the hyoid bone and the sternum, or pertaining to them; infrahyoid; as, the hyosternal region of the neck.
  • English Word Hyosternal Definition Pertaining to the hyosternum of turtles.
  • English Word Hyosternum Definition See Hyoplastron.
  • English Word Hyostylic Definition Having the mandible suspended by the hyomandibular, or upper part of the hyoid arch, as in fishes, instead of directly articulated with the skull as in mammals; -- said of the skull.
  • English Word Hyp Definition An abbreviation of hypochonaria; -- usually in plural.
  • English Word Hyp Definition To make melancholy.
  • English Word Hypaethral Definition Alt. of Hypethral
  • English Word Hypallage Definition A figure consisting of a transference of attributes from their proper subjects to other. Thus Virgil says, "dare classibus austros," to give the winds to the fleets, instead of dare classibus austris, to give the fleets to the winds.
  • English Word Hypanthia Definition of Hypanthium
  • English Word Hypanthium Definition A fruit consisting in large part of a receptacle, enlarged below the calyx, as in the Calycanthus, the rose hip, and the pear.
  • English Word Hypanthiums Definition of Hypanthium
  • English Word Hypapophyles Definition of Hypapophysis
  • English Word Hypapophysis Definition A process, or other element, of a vertebra developed from the ventral side of the centrum, as haemal spines, and chevron bones.
  • English Word Hyparterial Definition Situated below an artery; applied esp. to the branches of the bronchi given off below the point where the pulmonary artery crosses the bronchus.
  • English Word Hypaspist Definition A shield-bearer or armor-bearer.
  • English Word Hypaxial Definition Beneath the axis of the skeleton; subvertebral; hyposkeletal.
  • English Word Hyper- Definition A prefix signifying over, above; as, hyperphysical, hyperthyrion; also, above measure, abnormally great, excessive; as, hyperaemia, hyperbola, hypercritical, hypersecretion.
  • English Word Hyper- Definition A prefix equivalent to super- or per-; as hyperoxide, or peroxide. [Obs.] See Per-.
  • English Word Hyperaemia Definition A superabundance or congestion of blood in an organ or part of the body.
  • English Word Hyperaesthesia Definition A state of exalted or morbidly increased sensibility of the body, or of a part of it.
  • English Word Hyperapophyses Definition of Hyperapophysis
  • English Word Hyperapophysis Definition A lateral and backward-projecting process on the dorsal side of a vertebra.
  • English Word Hyperaspist Definition One who holds a shield over another; hence, a defender.
  • English Word Hyperbatic Definition Of or pertaining to an hyperbaton; transposed; inverted.