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- English Word Hypothenusal Definition Of or pertaining to hypothenuse.
- English Word Hypothenuse Definition The side of a right-angled triangle that is opposite to the right angle.
- English Word Hypothenuse Definition Same as Hypotenuse.
- English Word Hypotheses Definition of Hypothesis
- English Word Hypothesis Definition A supposition; a proposition or principle which is supposed or taken for granted, in order to draw a conclusion or inference for proof of the point in question; something not proved, but assumed for the purpose of argument, or to account for a fact or an occurrence; as, the hypothesis that head winds detain an overdue steamer.
- English Word Hypothesis Definition A tentative theory or supposition provisionally adopted to explain certain facts, and to guide in the investigation of others; hence, frequently called a working hypothesis.
- English Word Hypothetic Definition Alt. of Hypothetical
- English Word Hypothetical Definition Characterized by, or of the nature of, an hypothesis; conditional; assumed without proof, for the purpose of reasoning and deducing proof, or of accounting for some fact or phenomenon.
- English Word Hypothetist Definition One who proposes or supports an hypothesis.
- English Word Hypotrachelium Definition Same as Gorgerin.
- English Word Hypotricha Definition A division of ciliated Infusoria in which the cilia cover only the under side of the body.
- English Word Hypotrochoid Definition A curve, traced by a point in the radius, or radius produced, of a circle which rolls upon the concave side of a fixed circle. See Hypocycloid, Epicycloid, and Trochoid.
- English Word Hypotyposis Definition A vivid, picturesque description of scenes or events.
- English Word Hypoxanthin Definition A crystalline, nitrogenous substance, closely related to xanthin and uric acid, widely distributed through the animal body, but especially in muscle tissue; -- called also sarcin, sarkin.
- English Word Hypozoic Definition Anterior in age to the lowest rocks which contain organic remains.
- English Word Hyppish Definition Affected with hypochondria; hypped.
- English Word Hyppogriff Definition See Hyppogriff.
- English Word Hypsiloid Definition Resembling the Greek letter / in form; hyoid.
- English Word Hypsometer Definition An instrument for measuring heights by observation of barometric pressure; esp., one for determining heights by ascertaining the boiling point of water. It consists of a vessel for water, with a lamp for heating it, and an inclosed thermometer for showing the temperature of ebullition.
- English Word Hypsometric Definition Alt. of Hypsometrical
- English Word Hypsometrical Definition Of or pertaining to hypsometry.
- English Word Hypsometry Definition That branch of the science of geodesy which has to do with the measurement of heights, either absolutely with reference to the sea level, or relatively.
- English Word Hypural Definition Under the tail; -- applied to the bones which support the caudal fin rays in most fishes.
- English Word Hyracoid Definition Of or pertaining to the Hyracoidea.
- English Word Hyracoid Definition One of the Hyracoidea.
- English Word Hyracoidea Definition An order of small hoofed mammals, comprising the single living genus Hyrax.
- English Word Hyrax Definition Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best known species are the daman (H. Syriacus) of Palestine, and the klipdas (H. capensis) of South Africa. Other species are H. arboreus and H. Sylvestris, the former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa. See Daman.
- English Word Hyrcan Definition Of or pertaining to Hyrcania, an ancient country or province of Asia, southeast of the Caspian (which was also called the Hyrcanian) Sea.
- English Word Hyrcanian Definition Alt. of Hyrcan
- English Word Hyrse Definition Millet.