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  • English Word -mancy Definition A combining form denoting divination; as, aleuromancy, chiromancy, necromancy, etc.
  • English Word -men Definition of Bedesman
  • English Word -men Definition of Gownman
  • English Word -men Definition of Handcraftsman
  • English Word -men Definition of Handi-craftsman
  • English Word -men Definition of Henchman
  • English Word -men Definition of Herdsman
  • English Word -men Definition of High-churchman
  • English Word -men Definition of Low-churchman
  • English Word -men Definition of Light-horseman
  • English Word -men Definition of Lightman
  • English Word -men Definition of Tripeman
  • English Word -men Definition of Signalman
  • English Word -men Definition of Robertsman
  • English Word -men Definition of Ribbonman
  • English Word -men Definition of Pointsman
  • English Word -men Definition of Ploughman
  • English Word -men Definition of Plainsman
  • English Word -men Definition of Orangeman
  • English Word -ment Definition A suffix denoting that which does a thing; an act or process; the result of an act or process; state or condition; as, aliment, that which nourishes, ornament, increment; fragment, piece broken, segment; abridgment, act of abridging, imprisonment, movement, adjournment; amazement, state of being amazed, astonishment.
  • English Word -mere Definition A combining form meaning part, portion; as, blastomere, epimere.
  • English Word -meter Definition A suffix denoting that by which anything is measured; as, barometer, chronometer, dynamometer.
  • English Word -metry Definition A suffix denoting the art, process, or science, of measuring; as, acidmetry, chlorometry, chronometry.
  • English Word -mi Definition of Centesimo
  • English Word -mo Definition A suffix added to the names of certain numerals or to the numerals themselves, to indicate the number of leaves made by folding a sheet of paper; as, sixteenmo or 16mo; eighteenmo or 18mo. It is taken from the Latin forms similarly used; as, duodecimo, sextodecimo, etc. A small circle, placed after the number and near its top, is often used for -mo; as, 16¡, 18¡, etc.
  • English Word -morphous Definition A combining form denoting form, shape; as, isomorphous.
  • English Word M Definition As a numeral, M stands for one thousand, both in English and Latin.
  • English Word M Definition A quadrat, the face or top of which is a perfect square; also, the size of such a square in any given size of type, used as the unit of measurement for that type: 500 m's of pica would be a piece of matter whose length and breadth in pica m's multiplied together produce that number.
  • English Word M Definition A brand or stigma, having the shape of an M, formerly impressed on one convicted of manslaughter and admitted to the benefit of clergy.
  • English Word M/tin Definition A French mastiff.