HPage 197
- English Word Hyloist Definition Same as Hylotheist.
- English Word Hylopathism Definition The doctrine that matter is sentient.
- English Word Hylopathist Definition One who believes in hylopathism.
- English Word Hylophagous Definition Eating green shoots, as certain insects do.
- English Word Hylotheism Definition The doctrine of belief that matter is God, or that there is no God except matter and the universe; pantheism. See Materialism.
- English Word Hylotheist Definition One who believes in hylotheism.
- English Word Hylozoic Definition Of or pertaining to hylozoism.
- English Word Hylozoism Definition The doctrine that matter possesses a species of life and sensation, or that matter and life are inseparable.
- English Word Hylozoist Definition A believer in hylozoism.
- English Word Hymar Definition The wild ass of Persia.
- English Word Hymen Definition A fold of muscous membrane often found at the orifice of the vagina; the vaginal membrane.
- English Word Hymen Definition A fabulous deity; according to some, the son of Apollo and Urania, according to others, of Bacchus and Venus. He was the god of marriage, and presided over nuptial solemnities.
- English Word Hymen Definition Marriage; union as if by marriage.
- English Word Hymeneal Definition Alt. of Hymenean
- English Word Hymeneal Definition Alt. of Hymenean
- English Word Hymenean Definition Of or pertaining to marriage; as, hymeneal rites.
- English Word Hymenean Definition A marriage song.
- English Word Hymenia Definition of Hymenium
- English Word Hymenium Definition The spore-bearing surface of certain fungi, as that on the gills of a mushroom.
- English Word Hymeniums Definition of Hymenium
- English Word Hymenogeny Definition The production of artificial membranes by contact of two fluids, as albumin and fat, by which the globules of the latter are surrounded by a thin film of the former.
- English Word Hymenomycetes Definition One of the great divisions of fungi, containing those species in which the hymenium is completely exposed.
- English Word Hymenophore Definition That part of a fungus which is covered with the hymenium.
- English Word Hymenopter Definition One of the Hymenoptera.
- English Word Hymenoptera Definition An extensive order of insects, including the bees, ants, ichneumons, sawflies, etc.
- English Word Hymenopteral Definition Alt. of Hymenopterous
- English Word Hymenopteran Definition One of the Hymenoptera.
- English Word Hymenopterous Definition Like, or characteristic of, the Hymenoptera; pertaining to the Hymenoptera.
- English Word Hymn Definition An ode or song of praise or adoration; especially, a religious ode, a sacred lyric; a song of praise or thankgiving intended to be used in religious service; as, the Homeric hymns; Watts' hymns.
- English Word Hymn Definition To praise in song; to worship or extol by singing hymns; to sing.