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  • English Word -derm Definition A suffix or terminal formative, much used in anatomical terms, and signifying skin, integument, covering; as, blastoderm, ectoderm, etc.
  • English Word -dom Definition A suffix denoting
  • English Word -dom Definition Jurisdiction or property and jurisdiction, dominion, as in kingdom earldom.
  • English Word -dom Definition State, condition, or quality of being, as in wisdom, freedom.
  • English Word D Definition As a numeral D stands for 500. in this use it is not the initial of any word, or even strictly a letter, but one half of the sign / (or / ) the original Tuscan numeral for 1000.
  • English Word D Definition The nominal of the second tone in the model major scale (that in C), or of the fourth tone in the relative minor scale of C (that in A minor), or of the key tone in the relative minor of F.
  • English Word D valve Definition A kind of slide valve. See Slide valve, under Slide.
  • English Word Dab Definition A name given to several species of flounders, esp. to the European species, Pleuronectes limanda. The American rough dab is Hippoglossoides platessoides.
  • English Word Dab Definition A skillful hand; a dabster; an expert.
  • English Word Dab Definition A small mass of anything soft or moist.
  • English Word Dab Definition A gentle blow with the hand or some soft substance; a sudden blow or hit; a peck.
  • English Word Dab Definition To strike by a thrust; to hit with a sudden blow or thrust.
  • English Word Dab Definition To strike or touch gently, as with a soft or moist substance; to tap; hence, to besmear with a dabber.
  • English Word Dabb Definition A large, spine-tailed lizard (Uromastix spinipes), found in Egypt, Arabia, and Palestine; -- called also dhobb, and dhabb.
  • English Word Dabbed Definition of Dab
  • English Word Dabber Definition That with which one dabs; hence, a pad or other device used by printers, engravers, etc., as for dabbing type or engraved plates with ink.
  • English Word Dabbing Definition of Dab
  • English Word Dabble Definition To wet by little dips or strokes; to spatter; to sprinkle; to moisten; to wet.
  • English Word Dabble Definition To play in water, as with the hands; to paddle or splash in mud or water.
  • English Word Dabble Definition To work in slight or superficial manner; to do in a small way; to tamper; to meddle.
  • English Word Dabbled Definition of Dabble
  • English Word Dabbler Definition One who dabbles.
  • English Word Dabbler Definition One who dips slightly into anything; a superficial meddler.
  • English Word Dabbling Definition of Dabble
  • English Word Dabblingly Definition In a dabbling manner.
  • English Word Dabchick Definition A small water bird (Podilymbus podiceps), allied to the grebes, remarkable for its quickness in diving; -- called also dapchick, dobchick, dipchick, didapper, dobber, devil-diver, hell-diver, and pied-billed grebe.
  • English Word Daboia Definition A large and highly venomous Asiatic viper (Daboia xanthica).
  • English Word Dabster Definition One who is skilled; a master of his business; a proficient; an adept.
  • English Word Dacapo Definition From the beginning; a direction to return to, and end with, the first strain; -- indicated by the letters D. C. Also, the strain so repeated.
  • English Word Dace Definition A small European cyprinoid fish (Squalius leuciscus or Leuciscus vulgaris); -- called also dare.