HPage 201
- English Word Hypercriticise Definition To criticise with unjust severity; to criticise captiously.
- English Word Hypercriticism Definition Excessive criticism, or unjust severity or rigor of criticism; zoilism.
- English Word Hyperdicrotic Definition Excessive dicrotic; as, a hyperdicrotic pulse.
- English Word Hyperdicrotism Definition A hyperdicrotic condition.
- English Word Hyperdicrotous Definition Hyperdicrotic.
- English Word Hyperdulia Definition Veneration or worship given to the Virgin Mary as the most exalted of mere creatures; higher veneration than dulia.
- English Word Hyperduly Definition Hyperdulia.
- English Word Hyperesthesia Definition Same as Hyperaesthesia.
- English Word Hypericum Definition A genus of plants, generally with dotted leaves and yellow flowers; -- called also St. John's-wort.
- English Word Hyperinosis Definition A condition of the blood, characterized by an abnormally large amount of fibrin, as in many inflammatory diseases.
- English Word Hyperion Definition The god of the sun; in the later mythology identified with Apollo, and distinguished for his beauty.
- English Word Hyperkinesis Definition Abnormally increased muscular movement; spasm.
- English Word Hyperkinetic Definition Of or pertaining to hyperkinesis.
- English Word Hypermetamorphosis Definition A kind of metamorphosis, in certain insects, in which the larva itself undergoes remarkable changes of form and structure during its growth.
- English Word Hypermeter Definition A verse which has a redundant syllable or foot; a hypercatalectic verse.
- English Word Hypermeter Definition Hence, anything exceeding the ordinary standard.
- English Word Hypermetrical Definition Having a redundant syllable; exceeding the common measure.
- English Word Hypermetropia Definition Alt. of Hypermetropy
- English Word Hypermetropy Definition A condition of the eye in which, through shortness of the eyeball or fault of the refractive media, the rays of light come to a focus behind the retina; farsightedness; -- called also hyperopia. Cf. Emmetropia.
- English Word Hypermyriorama Definition A show or exhibition having a great number of scenes or views.
- English Word Hypernoea Definition Abnormal breathing, due to slightly deficient arterialization of the blood; -- in distinction from eupnoea. See Eupnoea, and Dispnoea.
- English Word Hyperoartia Definition An order of marsipobranchs including the lampreys. The suckerlike moth contains numerous teeth; the nasal opening is in the middle of the head above, but it does not connect with the mouth. See Cyclostoma, and Lamprey.
- English Word Hyperopia Definition Hypermetropia.
- English Word Hyperorganic Definition Higher than, or beyond the sphere of, the organic.
- English Word Hyperorthodoxy Definition Orthodoxy pushed to excess.
- English Word Hyperotreta Definition An order of marsipobranchs, including the Myxine or hagfish and the genus Bdellostoma. They have barbels around the mouth, one tooth on the plate, and a communication between the nasal aperture and the throat. See Hagfish.
- English Word Hyperoxide Definition A compound having a relatively large percentage of oxygen; a peroxide.
- English Word Hyperoxygenated Definition Alt. of Hyperoxygenized
- English Word Hyperoxygenized Definition Combined with a relatively large amount of oxygen; -- said of higher oxides.
- English Word Hyperoxymuriate Definition A perchlorate.