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  • English Word -ock Definition A suffix used to form diminutives; as, bullock, hillock.
  • English Word -oid Definition A suffix or combining form meaning like, resembling, in the form of; as in anthropoid, asteroid, spheroid.
  • English Word -ol Definition A suffix denoting that the substance in the name of which it appears belongs to the series of alcohols or hydroxyl derivatives, as carbinol, glycerol, etc.
  • English Word -oma Definition A suffix used in medical terms to denote a morbid condition of some part, usually some kind of tumor; as in fibroma, glaucoma.
  • English Word -one Definition A suffix indicating that the substance, in the name of which it appears, is a ketone; as, acetone.
  • English Word -one Definition A termination indicating that the hydrocarbon to the name of which it is affixed belongs to the fourth series of hydrocarbons, or the third series of unsaturated hydrocarbonsl as, nonone.
  • English Word -ons Definition of Pleurosteon
  • English Word -or Definition A noun suffix denoting an agent or doer; as in auditor, one who hears; donor, one who gives; obligor, elevator. It is correlative to -ee. In general -or is appended to words of Latin, and -er to those of English, origin. See -er.
  • English Word -or Definition A noun suffix denoting an act; a state or quality; as in error, fervor, pallor, candor, etc.
  • English Word -ory Definition A noun suffix denoting that which pertains to, or serves for; as in ambulatory, that which serves for walking; consistory, factory, etc.
  • English Word -ory Definition An adjective suffix meaning of or pertaining to, serving for; as in auditory, pertaining to or serving for hearing; prohibitory, amendatory, etc.
  • English Word -ose Definition A suffix indicating that the substance to the name of which it is affixed is a member of the carbohydrate group; as in cellulose, sucrose, dextrose, etc.
  • English Word -ose Definition A suffix denoting full of, containing, having the qualities of, like; as in verbose, full of words; pilose, hairy; globose, like a globe.
  • English Word -our Definition See -or.
  • English Word -ous Definition An adjective suffix meaning full of, abounding in, having, possessing the qualities of, like; as in gracious, abounding in grace; arduous, full of ardor; bulbous, having bulbs, bulblike; riotous, poisonous, piteous, joyous, etc.
  • English Word -ous Definition A suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.
  • English Word O Definition Something shaped like the letter O; a circle or oval.
  • English Word O Definition Among the ancients, O was a mark of triple time, from the notion that the ternary, or number 3, is the most perfect of numbers, and properly expressed by a circle, the most perfect figure.
  • English Word O Definition A cipher; zero.
  • English Word O Definition One.
  • English Word O Definition An exclamation used in calling or directly addressing a person or personified object; also, as an emotional or impassioned exclamation expressing pain, grief, surprise, desire, fear, etc.
  • English Word O Definition The letter O, or its sound.
  • English Word O' Definition A prefix to Irish family names, which signifies grandson or descendant of, and is a character of dignity; as, O'Neil, O'Carrol.
  • English Word O' Definition A shortened form of of or on.
  • English Word O'er Definition A contr. of Over.
  • English Word O's Definition of O
  • English Word Oad Definition See Woad.
  • English Word Oaf Definition Originally, an elf's child; a changeling left by fairies or goblins; hence, a deformed or foolish child; a simpleton; an idiot.
  • English Word Oafish Definition Like an oaf; simple.
  • English Word Oak Definition Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus. The oaks have alternate leaves, often variously lobed, and staminate flowers in catkins. The fruit is a smooth nut, called an acorn, which is more or less inclosed in a scaly involucre called the cup or cupule. There are now recognized about three hundred species, of which nearly fifty occur in the United States, the rest in Europe, Asia, and the other parts of North America, a very few barely reaching the northern parts of South America and Africa. Many of the oaks form forest trees of grand proportions and live many centuries. The wood is usually hard and tough, and provided with conspicuous medullary rays, forming the silver grain.