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  • English Word -barrelled Definition Having two barrels; -- applied to a gun.
  • English Word -blast Definition A suffix or terminal formative, used principally in biological terms, and signifying growth, formation; as, bioblast, epiblast, mesoblast, etc.
  • English Word Ba Definition To kiss.
  • English Word Baa Definition To cry baa, or bleat as a sheep.
  • English Word Baa Definition The cry or bleating of a sheep; a bleat.
  • English Word Baaing Definition The bleating of a sheep.
  • English Word Baal Definition The supreme male divinity of the Phoenician and Canaanitish nations.
  • English Word Baal Definition The whole class of divinities to whom the name Baal was applied.
  • English Word Baalim Definition of Baal
  • English Word Baalism Definition Worship of Baal; idolatry.
  • English Word Baalist Definition Alt. of Baalite
  • English Word Baalite Definition A worshiper of Baal; a devotee of any false religion; an idolater.
  • English Word Baas Definition of Baa
  • English Word Baba Definition A kind of plum cake.
  • English Word Babbitt Definition To line with Babbitt metal.
  • English Word Babbitt metal Definition A soft white alloy of variable composition (as a nine parts of tin to one of copper, or of fifty parts of tin to five of antimony and one of copper) used in bearings to diminish friction.
  • English Word Babble Definition To utter words indistinctly or unintelligibly; to utter inarticulate sounds; as a child babbles.
  • English Word Babble Definition To talk incoherently; to utter unmeaning words.
  • English Word Babble Definition To talk much; to chatter; to prate.
  • English Word Babble Definition To make a continuous murmuring noise, as shallow water running over stones.
  • English Word Babble Definition To utter in an indistinct or incoherent way; to repeat, as words, in a childish way without understanding.
  • English Word Babble Definition To disclose by too free talk, as a secret.
  • English Word Babble Definition Idle talk; senseless prattle; gabble; twaddle.
  • English Word Babble Definition Inarticulate speech; constant or confused murmur.
  • English Word Babbled Definition of Babble
  • English Word Babblement Definition Babble.
  • English Word Babbler Definition An idle talker; an irrational prater; a teller of secrets.
  • English Word Babbler Definition A name given to any one of family (Timalinae) of thrushlike birds, having a chattering note.
  • English Word Babbler Definition A hound too noisy on finding a good scent.
  • English Word Babblery Definition Babble.