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  • English Word Prorogation Definition The act of proroguing; the ending of the session of Parliament, and postponing of its business, by the command of the sovereign.
  • English Word Prorogue Definition To protract; to prolong; to extend.
  • English Word Prorogue Definition To defer; to delay; to postpone; as, to proroguedeath; to prorogue a marriage.
  • English Word Prorogue Definition To end the session of a parliament by an order of the sovereign, thus deferring its business.
  • English Word Prorogued Definition of Prorogue
  • English Word Proroguing Definition of Prorogue
  • English Word Proruption Definition The act or state of bursting forth; a bursting out.
  • English Word Prosaic Definition Alt. of Prosaical
  • English Word Prosaical Definition Of or pertaining to prose; resembling prose; in the form of prose; unpoetical; writing or using prose; as, a prosaic composition.
  • English Word Prosaical Definition Dull; uninteresting; commonplace; unimaginative; prosy; as, a prosaic person.
  • English Word Prosaicism Definition The quality or state of being prosaic; a prosaic manner or style.
  • English Word Prosaism Definition That which is in the form of prose writing; a prosaic manner.
  • English Word Prosaist Definition A writer of prose; an unpoetical writer.
  • English Word Prosal Definition Of or pertaining to prose; prosaic.
  • English Word Proscenia Definition of Proscenium
  • English Word Proscenium Definition The part where the actors performed; the stage.
  • English Word Proscenium Definition The part of the stage in front of the curtain; sometimes, the curtain and its framework.
  • English Word Proscolex Definition An early larval form of a trematode worm; a redia. See Redia.
  • English Word Proscolices Definition of Proscolex
  • English Word Proscribe Definition To doom to destruction; to put out of the protection of law; to outlaw; to exile; as, Sylla and Marius proscribed each other's adherents.
  • English Word Proscribe Definition To denounce and condemn; to interdict; to prohibit; as, the Puritans proscribed theaters.
  • English Word Proscribed Definition of Proscribe
  • English Word Proscriber Definition One who, or that which, proscribes, denounces, or prohibits.
  • English Word Proscribing Definition of Proscribe
  • English Word Proscript Definition A proscription; a prohibition; an interdict.
  • English Word Proscript Definition One who is proscribed.
  • English Word Proscription Definition The act of proscribing; a dooming to death or exile; outlawry; specifically, among the ancient Romans, the public offer of a reward for the head of a political enemy; as, under the triumvirate, many of the best Roman citizens fell by proscription.
  • English Word Proscription Definition The state of being proscribed; denunciation; interdiction; prohibition.
  • English Word Proscriptional Definition Proscriptive.
  • English Word Proscriptionist Definition One who proscribes.