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  • English Word Proportional Definition Any number or quantity in a proportion; as, a mean proportional.
  • English Word Proportional Definition The combining weight or equivalent of an element.
  • English Word Proportionality Definition The state of being in proportion.
  • English Word Proportionally Definition In proportion; in due degree; adapted relatively; as, all parts of the building are proportionally large.
  • English Word Proportionate Definition Adjusted to something else according to a proportion; proportional.
  • English Word Proportionate Definition To make proportional; to adjust according to a settled rate, or to due comparative relation; to proportion; as, to proportionate punishment to crimes.
  • English Word Proportionated Definition of Proportionate
  • English Word Proportionately Definition In a proportionate manner; with due proportion; proportionally.
  • English Word Proportionateness Definition The quality or state of being proportionate.
  • English Word Proportionating Definition of Proportionate
  • English Word Proportioned Definition of Proportion
  • English Word Proportioning Definition of Proportion
  • English Word Proportionless Definition Without proportion; unsymmetrical.
  • English Word Proportionment Definition The act or process of dividing out proportionally.
  • English Word Proposal Definition That which is proposed, or propounded for consideration or acceptance; a scheme or design; terms or conditions proposed; offer; as, to make proposals for a treaty of peace; to offer proposals for erecting a building; to make proposals of marriage.
  • English Word Proposal Definition The offer by a party of what he has in view as to an intended business transaction, which, with acceptance, constitutes a contract.
  • English Word Propose Definition To set forth.
  • English Word Propose Definition To offer for consideration, discussion, acceptance, or adoption; as, to propose terms of peace; to propose a question for discussion; to propose an alliance; to propose a person for office.
  • English Word Propose Definition To set before one's self or others as a purpose formed; hence, to purpose; to intend.
  • English Word Propose Definition To speak; to converse.
  • English Word Propose Definition To form or declare a purpose or intention; to lay a scheme; to design; as, man proposes, but God disposes.
  • English Word Propose Definition To offer one's self in marriage.
  • English Word Propose Definition Talk; discourse.
  • English Word Proposed Definition of Propose
  • English Word Proposer Definition One who proposes or offers anything for consideration or adoption.
  • English Word Proposer Definition A speaker; an orator.
  • English Word Proposing Definition of Propose
  • English Word Proposition Definition The act of setting or placing before; the act of offering.
  • English Word Proposition Definition That which is proposed; that which is offered, as for consideration, acceptance, or adoption; a proposal; as, the enemy made propositions of peace; his proposition was not accepted.
  • English Word Proposition Definition A statement of religious doctrine; an article of faith; creed; as, the propositions of Wyclif and Huss.