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  • English Word Propugn Definition To contend for; to defend; to vindicate.
  • English Word Propugnacle Definition A fortress.
  • English Word Propugnation Definition Means of defense; defense.
  • English Word Propugner Definition A defender; a vindicator.
  • English Word Propulsation Definition The act of driving away or repelling; a keeping at a distance.
  • English Word Propulse Definition To repel; to drive off or away.
  • English Word Propulsion Definition The act driving forward or away; the act or process of propelling; as, steam propulsion.
  • English Word Propulsion Definition An impelling act or movement.
  • English Word Propulsive Definition Tending, or having power, to propel; driving on; urging.
  • English Word Propulsory Definition Propulsive.
  • English Word Propyl Definition The hypothetical radical C3H7, regarded as the essential residue of propane and related compounds.
  • English Word Propyla Definition of Propylon
  • English Word Propylaea Definition of Propylaeum
  • English Word Propylaeum Definition Any court or vestibule before a building or leading into any inclosure.
  • English Word Propylene Definition A colorless gaseous hydrocarbon (C3H6) of the ethylene series, having a garlic odor. It occurs in coal gas, and is produced artificially in various ways. Called also propene.
  • English Word Propylic Definition Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, propyl; as, propylic alcohol.
  • English Word Propylidene Definition See Propidene.
  • English Word Propylon Definition The porch, vestibule, or entrance of an edifice.
  • English Word Proratable Definition Capable of being prorated, or divided proportionately.
  • English Word Prorate Definition To divide or distribute proportionally; to assess pro rata.
  • English Word Prorated Definition of Prorate
  • English Word Prorating Definition of Prorate
  • English Word Prore Definition The prow or fore part of a ship.
  • English Word Prorector Definition An officer who presides over the academic senate of a German university.
  • English Word Prorectorate Definition The office of prorector.
  • English Word Prorenal Definition Pronephric.
  • English Word Proreption Definition A creeping on.
  • English Word Prorhinal Definition Situated in front of the nasal chambers.
  • English Word Prorogate Definition To prorogue.
  • English Word Prorogation Definition The act of counting in duration; prolongation.