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  • English Word Prosocoele Definition The entire cavity of the prosencephalon.
  • English Word Prosocoelia Definition Same as Prosocoele.
  • English Word Prosocoelle Definition of Prosocoelia
  • English Word Prosodiacal Definition Prosodical.
  • English Word Prosodiacally Definition Prosodically.
  • English Word Prosodial Definition Prosodical.
  • English Word Prosodian Definition A prosodist.
  • English Word Prosodical Definition Of or pertaining to prosody; according to the rules of prosody.
  • English Word Prosody Definition That part of grammar which treats of the quantity of syllables, of accent, and of the laws of versification or metrical composition.
  • English Word Prosoma Definition The anterior of the body of an animal, as of a cephalopod; the thorax of an arthropod.
  • English Word Prosomata Definition of Prosoma
  • English Word Prosopalgia Definition Facial neuralgia.
  • English Word Prosopocephala Definition Same as Scaphopoda.
  • English Word Prosopolepsy Definition Respect of persons; especially, a premature opinion or prejudice against a person, formed from his external appearance.
  • English Word Prosopop/ia Definition A figure by which things are represented as persons, or by which things inanimate are spoken of as animated beings; also, a figure by which an absent person is introduced as speaking, or a deceased person is represented as alive and present. It includes personification, but is more extensive in its signification.
  • English Word Prosopulmonata Definition A division of pulmonate mollusks having the breathing organ situated on the neck, as in the common snail.
  • English Word Prospect Definition That which is embraced by eye in vision; the region which the eye overlooks at one time; view; scene; outlook.
  • English Word Prospect Definition Especially, a picturesque or widely extended view; a landscape; hence, a sketch of a landscape.
  • English Word Prospect Definition A position affording a fine view; a lookout.
  • English Word Prospect Definition Relative position of the front of a building or other structure; face; relative aspect.
  • English Word Prospect Definition The act of looking forward; foresight; anticipation; as, a prospect of the future state.
  • English Word Prospect Definition That which is hoped for; ground for hope or expectation; expectation; probable result; as, the prospect of success.
  • English Word Prospect Definition To look over; to explore or examine for something; as, to prospect a district for gold.
  • English Word Prospect Definition To make a search; to seek; to explore, as for mines or the like; as, to prospect for gold.
  • English Word Prospected Definition of Prospect
  • English Word Prospecting Definition of Prospect
  • English Word Prospection Definition The act of looking forward, or of providing for future wants; foresight.
  • English Word Prospective Definition Of or pertaining to a prospect; furnishing a prospect; perspective.
  • English Word Prospective Definition Looking forward in time; acting with foresight; -- opposed to retrospective.
  • English Word Prospective Definition Being within view or consideration, as a future event or contingency; relating to the future: expected; as, a prospective benefit.