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  • English Word Proselyting Definition of Proselyte
  • English Word Proselytism Definition The act or practice of proselyting; the making of converts to a religion or a religious sect, or to any opinion, system, or party.
  • English Word Proselytism Definition Conversion to a religion, system, or party.
  • English Word Proselytize Definition To convert to some religion, system, opinion, or the like; to bring, or cause to come, over; to proselyte.
  • English Word Proselytize Definition To make converts or proselytes.
  • English Word proselytized Definition of Proselytize
  • English Word Proselytizer Definition One who proselytes.
  • English Word Proselytizing Definition of Proselytize
  • English Word Proseman Definition A writer of prose.
  • English Word Proseminary Definition A seminary which prepares pupils for a higher institution.
  • English Word Prosemination Definition Propagation by seed.
  • English Word Prosencephalic Definition Of or pertaining to the prosencephalon.
  • English Word Prosencephalon Definition The anterior segment of the brain, including the cerebrum and olfactory lobes; the forebrain.
  • English Word Prosencephalon Definition The cerebrum.
  • English Word Prosenchyma Definition A general term applied to the tissues formed of elongated cells, especially those with pointed or oblique extremities, as the principal cells of ordinary wood.
  • English Word Proser Definition A writer of prose.
  • English Word Proser Definition One who talks or writes tediously.
  • English Word Prosiliency Definition The act of leaping forth or forward; projection.
  • English Word Prosily Definition In a prosy manner.
  • English Word Prosimetrical Definition Consisting both of prose and verse.
  • English Word Prosimiae Definition Same as Lemuroidea.
  • English Word Prosiness Definition The quality or state of being prosy; tediousness; tiresomeness.
  • English Word Prosing Definition of Prose
  • English Word Prosing Definition Writing prose; speaking or writing in a tedious or prosy manner.
  • English Word Prosingly Definition Prosily.
  • English Word Prosiphon Definition A minute tube found in the protoconch of ammonites, and not connected with the true siphon.
  • English Word Proslavery Definition Favoring slavery.
  • English Word Proslavery Definition Advocacy of slavery.
  • English Word Prosobranch Definition One of the Prosobranchiata.
  • English Word Prosobranchiata Definition The highest division, or subclass, of gastropod mollusks, including those that have the gills situated anteriorly, or forward of the heart, and the sexes separate.