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  • English Word Proposition Definition A complete sentence, or part of a sentence consisting of a subject and predicate united by a copula; a thought expressed or propounded in language; a from of speech in which a predicate is affirmed or denied of a subject; as, snow is white.
  • English Word Proposition Definition A statement in terms of a truth to be demonstrated, or of an operation to be performed.
  • English Word Proposition Definition That which is offered or affirmed as the subject of the discourse; anything stated or affirmed for discussion or illustration.
  • English Word Proposition Definition The part of a poem in which the author states the subject or matter of it.
  • English Word Propositional Definition Pertaining to, or in the nature of, a proposition; considered as a proposition; as, a propositional sense.
  • English Word Propound Definition To offer for consideration; to exhibit; to propose; as, to propound a question; to propound an argument.
  • English Word Propound Definition To propose or name as a candidate for admission to communion with a church.
  • English Word Propounded Definition of Propound
  • English Word Propounder Definition One who propounds, proposes, or offers for consideration.
  • English Word Propounding Definition of Propound
  • English Word Propped Definition of Prop
  • English Word Propping Definition of Prop
  • English Word Propretor Definition A magistrate who, having been pretor at home, was appointed to the government of a province.
  • English Word Proprietaries Definition of Proprietary
  • English Word Proprietary Definition A proprietor or owner; one who has exclusive title to a thing; one who possesses, or holds the title to, a thing in his own right.
  • English Word Proprietary Definition A body proprietors, taken collectively.
  • English Word Proprietary Definition A monk who had reserved goods and effects to himself, notwithstanding his renunciation of all at the time of profession.
  • English Word Proprietary Definition Belonging, or pertaining, to a proprietor; considered as property; owned; as, proprietary medicine.
  • English Word Proprieties Definition of Propriety
  • English Word Proprietor Definition One who has the legal right or exclusive title to anything, whether in possession or not; an owner; as, the proprietor of farm or of a mill.
  • English Word Proprietorial Definition Of or pertaining to ownership; proprietary; as, proprietorial rights.
  • English Word Proprietorship Definition The state of being proprietor; ownership.
  • English Word Proprietress Definition A female proprietor.
  • English Word Propriety Definition Individual right to hold property; ownership by personal title; property.
  • English Word Propriety Definition That which is proper or peculiar; an inherent property or quality; peculiarity.
  • English Word Propriety Definition The quality or state of being proper; suitableness to an acknowledged or correct standard or rule; consonance with established principles, rules, or customs; fitness; appropriateness; as, propriety of behavior, language, manners, etc.
  • English Word Proproctor Definition A assistant proctor.
  • English Word Props Definition A game of chance, in which four sea shells, each called a prop, are used instead of dice.
  • English Word Propterygia Definition of Propterygium
  • English Word Propterygium Definition The anterior of three principal cartilages in the fins of some fishes.