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  • English Word Potagro Definition See Potargo.
  • English Word Potale Definition The refuse from a grain distillery, used to fatten swine.
  • English Word Potamian Definition A river tortoise; one of a group of tortoises (Potamites, or Trionychoidea) having a soft shell, webbed feet, and a sharp beak. See Trionyx.
  • English Word Potamography Definition An account or description of rivers; potamology.
  • English Word Potamology Definition A scientific account or discussion of rivers; a treatise on rivers; potamography.
  • English Word Potamospongiae Definition The fresh-water sponges. See Spongilla.
  • English Word Potance Definition The stud in which the bearing for the lower pivot of the verge is made.
  • English Word Potargo Definition A kind of sauce or pickle.
  • English Word Potash Definition The hydroxide of potassium hydrate, a hard white brittle substance, KOH, having strong caustic and alkaline properties; -- hence called also caustic potash.
  • English Word Potash Definition The impure potassium carbonate obtained by leaching wood ashes, either as a strong solution (lye), or as a white crystalline (pearlash).
  • English Word Potashes Definition Potash.
  • English Word Potassa Definition Potassium oxide.
  • English Word Potassa Definition Potassium hydroxide, commonly called caustic potash.
  • English Word Potassamide Definition A yellowish brown substance obtained by heating potassium in ammonia.
  • English Word Potassium Definition An Alkali element, occurring abundantly but always combined, as in the chloride, sulphate, carbonate, or silicate, in the minerals sylvite, kainite, orthoclase, muscovite, etc. Atomic weight 39.0. Symbol K (Kalium).
  • English Word Potassoxyl Definition The radical KO, derived from, and supposed to exist in, potassium hydroxide and other compounds.
  • English Word Potation Definition The act of drinking.
  • English Word Potation Definition A draught.
  • English Word Potation Definition Drink; beverage.
  • English Word Potato Definition A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which there are numerous varieties used for food. It is native of South America, but a form of the species is found native as far north as New Mexico.
  • English Word Potato Definition The sweet potato (see below).
  • English Word Potatoes Definition of Potato
  • English Word Potator Definition A drinker.
  • English Word Potatory Definition Of or pertaining to drinking.
  • English Word Potboiler Definition A term applied derisively to any literary or artistic work, and esp. a painting, done simply for money and the means of living.
  • English Word Potboy Definition A boy who carries pots of ale, beer, etc.; a menial in a public house.
  • English Word Potch Definition To thrust; to push.
  • English Word Potch Definition See Poach, to cook.
  • English Word Potcher Definition One who, or that which, potches.
  • English Word Potecary Definition An apothecary.