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  • English Word Postscutellum Definition The hindermost dorsal piece of a thoracic somite of an insect; the plate behind the scutellum.
  • English Word Postsphenoid Definition Of or pertaining to the posterior part of the sphenoid bone.
  • English Word Posttertiary Definition Following, or more recent than, the Tertiary; Quaternary.
  • English Word Postticous Definition Posterior.
  • English Word Postticous Definition Situated on the outer side of a filament; -- said of an extrorse anther.
  • English Word Posttiller Definition See Postiler.
  • English Word Postulant Definition One who makes a request or demand; hence, a candidate.
  • English Word Postulata Definition of Postulatum
  • English Word Postulate Definition Something demanded or asserted; especially, a position or supposition assumed without proof, or one which is considered as self-evident; a truth to which assent may be demanded or challenged, without argument or evidence.
  • English Word Postulate Definition The enunciation of a self-evident problem, in distinction from an axiom, which is the enunciation of a self-evident theorem.
  • English Word Postulate Definition Postulated.
  • English Word Postulate Definition To beg, or assume without proof; as, to postulate conclusions.
  • English Word Postulate Definition To take without express consent; to assume.
  • English Word Postulate Definition To invite earnestly; to solicit.
  • English Word Postulated Definition of Postulate
  • English Word Postulated Definition Assumed without proof; as, a postulated inference.
  • English Word Postulating Definition of Postulate
  • English Word Postulation Definition The act of postulating, or that which is postulated; assumption; solicitation; suit; cause.
  • English Word Postulatory Definition Of the nature of a postulate.
  • English Word Postulatum Definition A postulate.
  • English Word Postumous Definition See Posthumous.
  • English Word Postural Definition Of or pertaining to posture.
  • English Word Posture Definition The position of the body; the situation or disposition of the several parts of the body with respect to each other, or for a particular purpose; especially (Fine Arts), the position of a figure with regard to the several principal members by which action is expressed; attitude.
  • English Word Posture Definition Place; position; situation.
  • English Word Posture Definition State or condition, whether of external circumstances, or of internal feeling and will; disposition; mood; as, a posture of defense; the posture of affairs.
  • English Word Posture Definition To place in a particular position or attitude; to dispose the parts of, with reference to a particular purpose; as, to posture one's self; to posture a model.
  • English Word Posture Definition To assume a particular posture or attitude; to contort the body into artificial attitudes, as an acrobat or contortionist; also, to pose.
  • English Word Posture Definition Fig.: To assume a character; as, to posture as a saint.
  • English Word Postured Definition of Posture
  • English Word Posturer Definition One who postures.