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  • English Word Posturing Definition of Posture
  • English Word Postzygapophyses Definition of Postzygapophysis
  • English Word Postzygapophysis Definition A posterior zygapophysis.
  • English Word Posy Definition A brief poetical sentiment; hence, any brief sentiment, motto, or legend; especially, one inscribed on a ring.
  • English Word Posy Definition A flower; a bouquet; a nosegay.
  • English Word Pot Definition A metallic or earthen vessel, appropriated to any of a great variety of uses, as for boiling meat or vegetables, for holding liquids, for plants, etc.; as, a quart pot; a flower pot; a bean pot.
  • English Word Pot Definition An earthen or pewter cup for liquors; a mug.
  • English Word Pot Definition The quantity contained in a pot; a potful; as, a pot of ale.
  • English Word Pot Definition A metal or earthenware extension of a flue above the top of a chimney; a chimney pot.
  • English Word Pot Definition A crucible; as, a graphite pot; a melting pot.
  • English Word Pot Definition A wicker vessel for catching fish, eels, etc.
  • English Word Pot Definition A perforated cask for draining sugar.
  • English Word Pot Definition A size of paper. See Pott.
  • English Word Pot Definition To place or inclose in pots
  • English Word Pot Definition To preserve seasoned in pots.
  • English Word Pot Definition To set out or cover in pots; as, potted plants or bulbs.
  • English Word Pot Definition To drain; as, to pot sugar, by taking it from the cooler, and placing it in hogsheads, etc., having perforated heads, through which the molasses drains off.
  • English Word Pot Definition To pocket.
  • English Word Pot Definition To tipple; to drink.
  • English Word Pot-bellied Definition Having a protuberant belly, like the bottom of a pot.
  • English Word Pot-belly Definition A protuberant belly.
  • English Word Pot-sure Definition Made confident by drink.
  • English Word Pot-valiant Definition Having the courage given by drink.
  • English Word Pot-walloper Definition A voter in certain boroughs of England, where, before the passage of the reform bill of 1832, the qualification for suffrage was to have boiled (walloped) his own pot in the parish for six months.
  • English Word Pot-walloper Definition One who cleans pots; a scullion.
  • English Word Potable Definition Fit to be drunk; drinkable.
  • English Word Potable Definition A potable liquid; a beverage.
  • English Word Potableness Definition The quality of being drinkable.
  • English Word Potage Definition See Pottage.
  • English Word Potager Definition A porringer.