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  • English Word Potestative Definition Authoritative.
  • English Word Potgun Definition A pot-shaped cannon; a mortar.
  • English Word Potgun Definition A popgun.
  • English Word Pothecary Definition An apothecary.
  • English Word Potheen Definition See Poteen.
  • English Word Pother Definition Bustle; confusion; tumult; flutter; bother.
  • English Word Pother Definition To make a bustle or stir; to be fussy.
  • English Word Pother Definition To harass and perplex; to worry.
  • English Word Pothered Definition of Pother
  • English Word Pothering Definition of Pother
  • English Word Pothole Definition A circular hole formed in the rocky beds of rivers by the grinding action of stones or gravel whirled round by the water in what was at first a natural depression of the rock.
  • English Word Pothook Definition An S-shaped hook on which pots and kettles are hung over an open fire.
  • English Word Pothook Definition A written character curved like a pothook; (pl.) a scrawled writing.
  • English Word Pothouse Definition An alehouse.
  • English Word Potichomania Definition Alt. of Potichomanie
  • English Word Potichomanie Definition The art or process of coating the inside of glass vessels with engravings or paintings, so as to give them the appearance of painted ware.
  • English Word Potion Definition A draught; a dose; usually, a draught or dose of a liquid medicine.
  • English Word Potion Definition To drug.
  • English Word Potlid Definition The lid or cover of a pot.
  • English Word Potluck Definition Whatever may chance to be in the pot, or may be provided for a meal.
  • English Word Potman Definition A pot companion.
  • English Word Potman Definition A servant in a public house; a potboy.
  • English Word Potmen Definition of Potman
  • English Word Potoo Definition A large South American goatsucker (Nyctibius grandis).
  • English Word Potoroo Definition Any small kangaroo belonging to Hypsiprymnus, Bettongia, and allied genera, native of Australia and Tasmania. Called also kangaroo rat.
  • English Word Potpie Definition A meat pie which is boiled instead of being baked.
  • English Word Potpourri Definition A medley or mixture.
  • English Word Potpourri Definition A ragout composed of different sorts of meats, vegetables, etc., cooked together.
  • English Word Potpourri Definition A jar or packet of flower leaves, perfumes, and spices, used to scent a room.
  • English Word Potpourri Definition A piece of music made up of different airs strung together; a medley.