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  • English Word Postorbital Definition Situated behind the orbit; as, the postorbital scales of some fishes and reptiles.
  • English Word Postorbital Definition A postorbital bone or scale.
  • English Word Postpaid Definition Having the postage prepaid, as a letter.
  • English Word Postpalatine Definition Situated behind the palate, or behind the palatine bones.
  • English Word Postpliocene Definition Of or pertaining to the period immediately following the Pliocene; Pleistocene. Also used as a noun. See Quaternary.
  • English Word Postpone Definition To defer to a future or later time; to put off; also, to cause to be deferred or put off; to delay; to adjourn; as, to postpone the consideration of a bill to the following day, or indefinitely.
  • English Word Postpone Definition To place after, behind, or below something, in respect to precedence, preference, value, or importance.
  • English Word Postponed Definition of Postpone
  • English Word Postponement Definition The act of postponing; a deferring, or putting off, to a future time; a temporary delay.
  • English Word Postponence Definition The act of postponing, in sense 2.
  • English Word Postponer Definition One who postpones.
  • English Word Postponing Definition of Postpone
  • English Word Postpose Definition To postpone.
  • English Word Postposed Definition of Postpose
  • English Word Postposing Definition of Postpose
  • English Word Postposit Definition To postpone.
  • English Word Postposition Definition The act of placing after, or the state of being placed after.
  • English Word Postposition Definition A word or particle placed after, or at the end of, another word; -- distinguished from preposition.
  • English Word Postpositional Definition Of or pertaining to postposition.
  • English Word Postpositive Definition Placed after another word; as, a postpositive conjunction; a postpositive letter.
  • English Word Postprandial Definition Happening, or done, after dinner; after-dinner; as, postprandial speeches.
  • English Word Postremogeniture Definition The right of the youngest born.
  • English Word Postremote Definition More remote in subsequent time or order.
  • English Word Postrider Definition One who rides over a post road to carry the mails.
  • English Word Postscapula Definition The part of the scapula behind or below the spine, or mesoscapula.
  • English Word Postscapular Definition Of or pertaining to the postscapula; infraspinous.
  • English Word Postscenium Definition The part of a theater behind the scenes; the back part of the stage of a theater.
  • English Word Postscribe Definition To make a postscript.
  • English Word Postscript Definition A paragraph added to a letter after it is concluded and signed by the writer; an addition made to a book or composition after the main body of the work has been finished, containing something omitted, or something new occurring to the writer.
  • English Word Postscripted Definition Having a postscript; added in a postscript.