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  • English Word Poteen Definition Whisky; especially, whisky illicitly distilled by the Irish peasantry.
  • English Word Potelot Definition Molybdenum sulphide.
  • English Word Potence Definition Potency; capacity.
  • English Word Potency Definition The quality or state of being potent; physical or moral power; inherent strength; energy; ability to effect a purpose; capability; efficacy; influence.
  • English Word Potent Definition Producing great physical effects; forcible; powerful' efficacious; as, a potent medicine.
  • English Word Potent Definition Having great authority, control, or dominion; puissant; mighty; influential; as, a potent prince.
  • English Word Potent Definition Powerful, in an intellectual or moral sense; having great influence; as, potent interest; a potent argument.
  • English Word Potent Definition A prince; a potentate.
  • English Word Potent Definition A staff or crutch.
  • English Word Potent Definition One of the furs; a surface composed of patches which are supposed to represent crutch heads; they are always alternately argent and azure, unless otherwise specially mentioned.
  • English Word Potentacy Definition Sovereignty.
  • English Word Potentate Definition One who is potent; one who possesses great power or sway; a prince, sovereign, or monarch.
  • English Word Potential Definition Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential.
  • English Word Potential Definition Existing in possibility, not in actuality.
  • English Word Potential Definition Anything that may be possible; a possibility; potentially.
  • English Word Potential Definition In the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the position of a point, such that its differential coefficients with respect to the coordinates are equal to the components of the force at the point considered; -- also called potential function, or force function. It is called also Newtonian potential when the force is directed to a fixed center and is inversely as the square of the distance from the center.
  • English Word Potential Definition The energy of an electrical charge measured by its power to do work; hence, the degree of electrification as referred to some standard, as that of the earth; electro-motive force.
  • English Word Potentiality Definition The quality or state of being potential; possibility, not actuality; inherent capability or disposition, not actually exhibited.
  • English Word Potentially Definition With power; potently.
  • English Word Potentially Definition In a potential manner; possibly, not positively.
  • English Word Potentiate Definition To render active or potent.
  • English Word Potentiated Definition of Potentiate
  • English Word Potentiating Definition of Potentiate
  • English Word Potentiometer Definition An instrument for measuring or comparing electrial potentials or electro-motive forces.
  • English Word Potentize Definition To render the latent power of (anything) available.
  • English Word Potentized Definition of Potentize
  • English Word Potentizing Definition of Potentize
  • English Word Potently Definition With great force or energy; powerfully; efficaciously.
  • English Word Potentness Definition The quality or state of being potent; powerfulness; potency; efficacy.
  • English Word Potestate Definition A chief ruler; a potentate. [Obs.] Wyclif.