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  • English Word Postfurcae Definition of Postfurca
  • English Word Postgeniture Definition The condition of being born after another in the same family; -- distinguished from primogeniture.
  • English Word Postglenoid Definition Situated behind the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone.
  • English Word Posthaste Definition Haste or speed in traveling, like that of a post or courier.
  • English Word Posthaste Definition With speed or expedition; as, he traveled posthaste; to send posthaste.
  • English Word Posthetomy Definition Circumcision.
  • English Word Posthouse Definition A house established for the convenience of the post, where relays of horses can be obtained.
  • English Word Posthouse Definition A house for distributing the malls; a post office.
  • English Word Posthume Definition Alt. of Posthumed
  • English Word Posthumed Definition Posthumous.
  • English Word Posthumous Definition Born after the death of the father, or taken from the dead body of the mother; as, a posthumous son or daughter.
  • English Word Posthumous Definition Published after the death of the author; as, posthumous works; a posthumous edition.
  • English Word Posthumous Definition Being or continuing after one's death; as, a posthumous reputation.
  • English Word Posthumously Definition In a posthumous manner; after one's decease.
  • English Word Postic Definition Backward.
  • English Word Postil Definition Originally, an explanatory note in the margin of the Bible, so called because written after the text; hence, a marginal note; a comment.
  • English Word Postil Definition A short homily or commentary on a passage of Scripture; as, the first postils were composed by order of Charlemagne.
  • English Word Postil Definition To write marginal or explanatory notes on; to gloss.
  • English Word Postil Definition To write postils, or marginal notes; to comment; to postillate.
  • English Word Postiled Definition of Postil
  • English Word Postiler Definition One who writers marginal notes; one who illustrates the text of a book by notes in the margin.
  • English Word Postiling Definition of Postil
  • English Word Postilion Definition One who rides and guides the first pair of horses of a coach or post chaise; also, one who rides one of the horses when one pair only is used.
  • English Word Postillate Definition To explain by marginal notes; to postil.
  • English Word Postillate Definition To write postils; to comment.
  • English Word Postillate Definition To preach by expounding Scripture verse by verse, in regular order.
  • English Word Postillation Definition The act of postillating; exposition of Scripture in preaching.
  • English Word Postillator Definition One who postillates; one who expounds the Scriptures verse by verse.
  • English Word Postilled Definition of Postil
  • English Word Postilling Definition of Postil