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  • English Word Postentry Definition An additional or subsequent entry.
  • English Word Poster Definition A large bill or placard intended to be posted in public places.
  • English Word Poster Definition One who posts bills; a billposter.
  • English Word Poster Definition One who posts, or travels expeditiously; a courier.
  • English Word Poster Definition A post horse.
  • English Word Posterior Definition Later in time; hence, later in the order of proceeding or moving; coming after; -- opposed to prior.
  • English Word Posterior Definition Situated behind; hinder; -- opposed to anterior.
  • English Word Posterior Definition At or toward the caudal extremity; caudal; -- in human anatomy often used for dorsal.
  • English Word Posterior Definition On the side next the axis of inflorescence; -- said of an axillary flower.
  • English Word Posteriority Definition The state of being later or subsequent; as, posteriority of time, or of an event; -- opposed to priority.
  • English Word Posteriorly Definition Subsequently in time; also, behind in position.
  • English Word Posteriors Definition The hinder parts, as of an animal's body.
  • English Word Posterity Definition The race that proceeds from a progenitor; offspring to the furthest generation; the aggregate number of persons who are descended from an ancestor of a generation; descendants; -- contrasted with ancestry; as, the posterity of Abraham.
  • English Word Posterity Definition Succeeding generations; future times.
  • English Word Postern Definition Originally, a back door or gate; a private entrance; hence, any small door or gate.
  • English Word Postern Definition A subterraneous passage communicating between the parade and the main ditch, or between the ditches and the interior of the outworks.
  • English Word Postern Definition Back; being behind; private.
  • English Word Postero Definition - (/). A combining form meaning posterior, back; as, postero-inferior, situated back and below; postero-lateral, situated back and at the side.
  • English Word Postexist Definition To exist after; to live subsequently.
  • English Word Postexistence Definition Subsequent existence.
  • English Word Postexistent Definition Existing or living after.
  • English Word Postfact Definition Relating to a fact that occurs after another.
  • English Word Postfact Definition A fact that occurs after another.
  • English Word Postfactum Definition Same as Postfact.
  • English Word Postfix Definition A letter, syllable, or word, added to the end of another word; a suffix.
  • English Word Postfix Definition To annex; specifically (Gram.), to add or annex, as a letter, syllable, or word, to the end of another or principal word; to suffix.
  • English Word Postfixes Definition of Postfix
  • English Word Postfrontal Definition Situated behind the frontal bone or the frontal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone back of and below the frontal in many animals.
  • English Word Postfrontal Definition A postfrontal bone.
  • English Word Postfurca Definition One of the internal thoracic processes of the sternum of an insect.