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  • English Word Post Definition An established conveyance for letters from one place or station to another; especially, the governmental system in any country for carrying and distributing letters and parcels; the post office; the mail; hence, the carriage by which the mail is transported.
  • English Word Post Definition Haste or speed, like that of a messenger or mail carrier.
  • English Word Post Definition One who has charge of a station, especially of a postal station.
  • English Word Post Definition A station, office, or position of service, trust, or emolument; as, the post of duty; the post of danger.
  • English Word Post Definition A size of printing and writing paper. See the Table under Paper.
  • English Word Post Definition To attach to a post, a wall, or other usual place of affixing public notices; to placard; as, to post a notice; to post playbills.
  • English Word Post Definition To hold up to public blame or reproach; to advertise opprobriously; to denounce by public proclamation; as, to post one for cowardice.
  • English Word Post Definition To enter (a name) on a list, as for service, promotion, or the like.
  • English Word Post Definition To assign to a station; to set; to place; as, to post a sentinel.
  • English Word Post Definition To carry, as an account, from the journal to the ledger; as, to post an account; to transfer, as accounts, to the ledger.
  • English Word Post Definition To place in the care of the post; to mail; as, to post a letter.
  • English Word Post Definition To inform; to give the news to; to make (one) acquainted with the details of a subject; -- often with up.
  • English Word Post Definition To travel with post horses; figuratively, to travel in haste.
  • English Word Post Definition To rise and sink in the saddle, in accordance with the motion of the horse, esp. in trotting.
  • English Word Post Definition With post horses; hence, in haste; as, to travel post.
  • English Word Post note Definition A note issued by a bank, payable at some future specified time, as distinguished from a note payable on demand.
  • English Word Post office Definition See under 4th Post.
  • English Word Post- Definition A prefix signifying behind, back, after; as, postcommissure, postdot, postscript.
  • English Word Post-abdomen Definition That part of a crustacean behind the cephalothorax; -- more commonly called abdomen.
  • English Word Post-captain Definition A captain of a war vessel whose name appeared, or was "posted," in the seniority list of the British navy, as distinguished from a commander whose name was not so posted. The term was also used in the United States navy; but no such commission as post-captain was ever recognized in either service, and the term has fallen into disuse.
  • English Word Post-disseizin Definition A subsequent disseizin committed by one of lands which the disseizee had before recovered of the same disseizor; a writ founded on such subsequent disseizin, now abolished.
  • English Word Post-disseizor Definition A person who disseizes another of lands which the disseizee had before recovered of the same disseizor.
  • English Word Post-fine Definition A duty paid to the king by the cognizee in a fine of lands, when the same was fully passed; -- called also the king's silver.
  • English Word Post-mortem Definition After death; as, post-mortem rigidity.
  • English Word Post-obit Definition Alt. of Post-obit bond
  • English Word Post-obit bond Definition A bond in which the obligor, in consideration of having received a certain sum of money, binds himself to pay a larger sum, on unusual interest, on the death of some specified individual from whom he has expectations.
  • English Word Post-temporal Definition Situated back of the temporal bone or the temporal region of the skull; -- applied especially to a bone which usually connects the supraclavicle with the skull in the pectoral arch of fishes.
  • English Word Post-temporal Definition A post-temporal bone.
  • English Word Post-tragus Definition A ridge within and behind the tragus in the ear of some animals.
  • English Word Post-tympanic Definition Situated behind the tympanum, or in the skull, behind the auditory meatus.