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  • English Word Postable Definition Capable of being carried by, or as by, post.
  • English Word Postact Definition An act done afterward.
  • English Word Postage Definition The price established by law to be paid for the conveyance of a letter or other mailable matter by a public post.
  • English Word Postal Definition Belonging to the post office or mail service; as, postal arrangements; postal authorities.
  • English Word Postanal Definition Situated behind, or posterior to, the anus.
  • English Word Postaxial Definition Situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal; caudal; posterior; especially, behind, or on the caudal or posterior (that is, ulnar or fibular) side of, the axis of a vertebrate limb.
  • English Word Postboy Definition One who rides post horses; a position; a courier.
  • English Word Postboy Definition A boy who carries letters from the post.
  • English Word Postcava Definition The inferior vena cava.
  • English Word Postcavae Definition of Postcava
  • English Word Postclavicle Definition A bone in the pectoral girdle of many fishes projecting backward from the clavicle.
  • English Word Postcomminion Definition The concluding portion of the communion service.
  • English Word Postcomminion Definition A prayer or prayers which the priest says at Mass, after the ablutions.
  • English Word Postcommissure Definition A transverse commisure in the posterior part of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain; the posterior cerebral commisure.
  • English Word Postcornu Definition The posterior horn of each lateral ventricle of the brain.
  • English Word Postcornua Definition of Postcornu
  • English Word Postdate Definition To date after the real time; as, to postdate a contract, that is, to date it later than the time when it was in fact made.
  • English Word Postdate Definition To affix a date to after the event.
  • English Word Postdate Definition Made or done after the date assigned.
  • English Word Postdate Definition A date put to a bill of exchange or other paper, later than that when it was actually made.
  • English Word Postdated Definition of Postdate
  • English Word Postdating Definition of Postdate
  • English Word Postdiluvial Definition Alt. of Postdiluvian
  • English Word Postdiluvian Definition Being or happening after the flood in Noah's days.
  • English Word Postdiluvian Definition One who lived after the flood.
  • English Word Postea Definition The return of the judge before whom a cause was tried, after a verdict, of what was done in the cause, which is indorsed on the nisi prius record.
  • English Word Posted Definition of Post
  • English Word Postel Definition Apostle.
  • English Word Postencephalon Definition The metencephalon.
  • English Word Postentry Definition A second or subsequent, at the customhouse, of goods which had been omitted by mistake.