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  • English Word Pollinose Definition Having the surface covered with a fine yellow dust, like pollen.
  • English Word Polliwig Definition Alt. of Polliwog
  • English Word Polliwog Definition A tadpole; -- called also purwiggy and porwigle.
  • English Word Pollock Definition A marine gadoid fish (Pollachius carbonarius), native both of the European and American coasts. It is allied to the cod, and like it is salted and dried. In England it is called coalfish, lob, podley, podling, pollack, etc.
  • English Word Pollucite Definition A colorless transparent mineral, resembling quartz, occurring with castor or castorite on the island of Elba. It is a silicate of alumina and caesia. Called also pollux.
  • English Word Pollute Definition To make foul, impure, or unclean; to defile; to taint; to soil; to desecrate; -- used of physical or moral defilement.
  • English Word Pollute Definition To violate sexually; to debauch; to dishonor.
  • English Word Pollute Definition To render ceremonially unclean; to disqualify or unfit for sacred use or service, or for social intercourse.
  • English Word Pollute Definition Polluted.
  • English Word Polluted Definition of Pollute
  • English Word Polluted Definition Defiled; made unclean or impure; debauched.
  • English Word Polluter Definition One who pollutes.
  • English Word Polluting Definition of Pollute
  • English Word Polluting Definition Adapted or tending to pollute; causing defilement or pollution.
  • English Word Pollution Definition The act of polluting, or the state of being polluted (in any sense of the verb); defilement; uncleanness; impurity.
  • English Word Pollution Definition The emission of semen, or sperm, at other times than in sexual intercourse.
  • English Word Pollux Definition A fixed star of the second magnitude, in the constellation Gemini. Cf. 3d Castor.
  • English Word Pollux Definition Same as Pollucite.
  • English Word Polly Definition A woman's name; also, a popular name for a parrot.
  • English Word Pollywog Definition A polliwig.
  • English Word Polo Definition A game of ball of Eastern origin, resembling hockey, with the players on horseback.
  • English Word Polo Definition A similar game played on the ice, or on a prepared floor, by players wearing skates.
  • English Word Polonaise Definition Of or pertaining to the Poles, or to Poland.
  • English Word Polonaise Definition The Polish language.
  • English Word Polonaise Definition An article of dress for women, consisting of a body and an outer skirt in one piece.
  • English Word Polonaise Definition A stately Polish dance tune, in 3-4 measure, beginning always on the beat with a quaver followed by a crotchet, and closing on the beat after a strong accent on the second beat; also, a dance adapted to such music; a polacca.
  • English Word Polonese Definition See Polonaise.
  • English Word Polony Definition A kind of sausage made of meat partly cooked.
  • English Word Polron Definition See Pauldron.
  • English Word Polsyntheticism Definition Polysynthesis.