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  • English Word Polychrome Definition Executed in the manner of polychromy; as, polychrome printing.
  • English Word Polychromic Definition Polychromatic.
  • English Word Polychromic Definition Pertaining to, or designating, any one of several acids (known only in their salts) which contain more than one atom of chromium.
  • English Word Polychromous Definition Of or pertaining to polychromy; many-colored; polychromatic.
  • English Word Polychromy Definition The art or practice of combining different colors, especially brilliant ones, in an artistic way.
  • English Word Polychronious Definition Enduring through a long time; chronic.
  • English Word Polyclinic Definition A clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated; especially, an institution in which clinical instruction is given in all kinds of disease.
  • English Word Polyconic Definition Pertaining to, or based upon, many cones.
  • English Word Polycotyledon Definition A plant that has many, or more than two, cotyledons in the seed.
  • English Word Polycotyledonary Definition Having the villi of the placenta collected into definite patches, or cotyledons.
  • English Word Polycracy Definition Government by many rulers; polyarchy.
  • English Word Polycrotic Definition Of or pertaining to polycrotism; manifesting polycrotism; as, a polycrotic pulse; a polycrotic pulse curve.
  • English Word Polycrotism Definition That state or condition of the pulse in which the pulse curve, or sphygmogram, shows several secondary crests or elevations; -- contrasted with monocrotism and dicrotism.
  • English Word Polycystid Definition One of the Polycystidea.
  • English Word Polycystid Definition One of the Polycystina.
  • English Word Polycystid Definition Pertaining to the Polycystidea, or the Polycystina.
  • English Word Polycystidea Definition A division of Gregarinae including those that have two or more internal divisions of the body.
  • English Word Polycystina Definition A division of Radiolaria including numerous minute marine species. The skeleton is composed of silica, and is often very elegant in form and sculpture. Many have been found in the fossil state.
  • English Word Polycystine Definition Pertaining to the Polycystina.
  • English Word Polycystine Definition One of the Polycystina.
  • English Word Polycyttaria Definition A division of Radiolaria. It includes those having one more central capsules.
  • English Word Polydactylism Definition The possession of more that the normal number of digits.
  • English Word Polydipsia Definition Excessive and constant thirst occasioned by disease.
  • English Word Polyedron Definition See Polyhedron.
  • English Word Polyedrous Definition See Polyhedral.
  • English Word Polyeidic Definition Passing through several distinct larval forms; -- having several distinct kinds of young.
  • English Word Polyeidism Definition The quality or state of being polyeidic.
  • English Word Polyembryonate Definition Consisting of, or having, several embryos; polyembryonic.
  • English Word Polyembryonic Definition Polyembryonate.
  • English Word Polyembryony Definition The production of two or more embryos in one seed, due either to the existence and fertilization of more than one embryonic sac or to the origination of embryos outside of the embryonic sac.