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  • English Word Politeness Definition High finish; smoothness; burnished elegance.
  • English Word Politeness Definition The quality or state of being polite; refinement of manners; urbanity; courteous behavior; complaisance; obliging attentions.
  • English Word Politesse Definition Politeness.
  • English Word Politic Definition Of or pertaining to polity, or civil government; political; as, the body politic. See under Body.
  • English Word Politic Definition Pertaining to, or promoting, a policy, especially a national policy; well-devised; adapted to its end, whether right or wrong; -- said of things; as, a politic treaty.
  • English Word Politic Definition Sagacious in promoting a policy; ingenious in devising and advancing a system of management; devoted to a scheme or system rather than to a principle; hence, in a good sense, wise; prudent; sagacious; and in a bad sense, artful; unscrupulous; cunning; -- said of persons.
  • English Word Politic Definition A politician.
  • English Word Political Definition Having, or conforming to, a settled system of administration.
  • English Word Political Definition Of or pertaining to public policy, or to politics; relating to affairs of state or administration; as, a political writer.
  • English Word Political Definition Of or pertaining to a party, or to parties, in the state; as, his political relations were with the Whigs.
  • English Word Political Definition Politic; wise; also, artful.
  • English Word Politicalism Definition Zeal or party spirit in politics.
  • English Word Politically Definition In a political manner.
  • English Word Politically Definition Politicly; artfully.
  • English Word Politicaster Definition A petty politician; a pretender in politics.
  • English Word Politician Definition One versed or experienced in the science of government; one devoted to politics; a statesman.
  • English Word Politician Definition One primarily devoted to his own advancement in public office, or to the success of a political party; -- used in a depreciatory sense; one addicted or attached to politics as managed by parties (see Politics, 2); a schemer; an intriguer; as, a mere politician.
  • English Word Politician Definition Cunning; using artifice; politic; artful.
  • English Word Politicist Definition A political writer.
  • English Word Politicly Definition In a politic manner; sagaciously; shrewdly; artfully.
  • English Word Politics Definition The science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conquest, the augmentation of its strength and resources, and the protection of its citizens in their rights, with the preservation and improvement of their morals.
  • English Word Politics Definition The management of a political party; the conduct and contests of parties with reference to political measures or the administration of public affairs; the advancement of candidates to office; in a bad sense, artful or dishonest management to secure the success of political candidates or parties; political trickery.
  • English Word Polities Definition of Polity
  • English Word Politize Definition To play the politician; to dispute as politicians do.
  • English Word Politure Definition Polish; gloss. [Obs.] Donne.
  • English Word Polity Definition The form or constitution of the civil government of a nation or state; the framework or organization by which the various departments of government are combined into a systematic whole.
  • English Word Polity Definition Hence: The form or constitution by which any institution is organized; the recognized principles which lie at the foundation of any human institution.
  • English Word Polity Definition Policy; art; management.
  • English Word Politzerization Definition The act of inflating the middle ear by blowing air up the nose during the act of swallowing; -- so called from Prof. Politzer of Vienna, who first practiced it.
  • English Word Polive Definition A pulley.