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  • English Word Pollarded Definition of Pollard
  • English Word Pollarding Definition of Pollard
  • English Word Pollax Definition A poleax.
  • English Word Polled Definition Deprived of a poll, or of something belonging to the poll. Specifically: (a) Lopped; -- said of trees having their tops cut off. (b) Cropped; hence, bald; -- said of a person. "The polled bachelor." Beau. & Fl. (c) Having cast the antlers; -- said of a stag. (d) Without horns; as, polled cattle; polled sheep.
  • English Word Polled Definition of Poll
  • English Word Pollen Definition Fine bran or flour.
  • English Word Pollen Definition The fecundating dustlike cells of the anthers of flowers. See Flower, and Illust. of Filament.
  • English Word Pollenarious Definition Consisting of meal or pollen.
  • English Word Pollened Definition Covered with pollen.
  • English Word Polleniferous Definition Producing pollen; polliniferous.
  • English Word Pollenin Definition A substance found in the pollen of certain plants.
  • English Word Pollenize Definition To supply with pollen; to impregnate with pollen.
  • English Word Pollenized Definition of Pollenize
  • English Word Pollenizing Definition of Pollenize
  • English Word Poller Definition One who polls; specifically: (a) One who polls or lops trees. (b) One who polls or cuts hair; a barber. [R.] (c) One who extorts or plunders. [Obs.] Baex. (d) One who registplws votplws, or one who enters his name as a voter.
  • English Word Pollex Definition The first, or preaxial, digit of the fore limb, corresponding to the hallux in the hind limb; the thumb. In birds, the pollex is the joint which bears the bastard wing.
  • English Word Pollicate Definition Having a curved projection or spine on the inner side of a leg joint; -- said of insects.
  • English Word Pollices Definition of Pollex
  • English Word Pollicitation Definition A voluntary engagement, or a paper containing it; a promise.
  • English Word Pollicitation Definition A promise without mutuality; a promise which has not been accepted by the person to whom it is made.
  • English Word Pollinate Definition Pollinose.
  • English Word Pollinate Definition To apply pollen to (a stigma).
  • English Word Pollinctor Definition One who prepared corpses for the funeral.
  • English Word Polling Definition The act of topping, lopping, or cropping, as trees or hedges.
  • English Word Polling Definition Plunder, or extortion.
  • English Word Polling Definition The act of voting, or of registering a vote.
  • English Word Polling Definition of Poll
  • English Word Pollinia Definition of Pollinium
  • English Word Polliniferous Definition Producing pollen; polleniferous.
  • English Word Pollinium Definition A coherent mass of pollen, as in the milkweed and most orchids.