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  • English Word Polt Definition A blow or thump.
  • English Word Polt Definition Distorted.
  • English Word Polt-foot Definition Alt. of Polt-footed
  • English Word Polt-footed Definition Having a distorted foot, or a clubfoot or clubfeet.
  • English Word Poltroon Definition An arrant coward; a dastard; a craven; a mean-spirited wretch.
  • English Word Poltroon Definition Base; vile; contemptible; cowardly.
  • English Word Poltroonery Definition Cowardice; want of spirit; pusillanimity.
  • English Word Poltroonish Definition Resembling a poltroon; cowardly.
  • English Word Poluria Definition A persistently excessive flow of watery urine, with low specific gravity and without the presence of either albumin or sugar. It is generally accompanied with more or less thirst.
  • English Word Polverine Definition Glassmaker's ashes; a kind of potash or pearlash, brought from the Levant and Syria, -- used in the manufacture of fine glass.
  • English Word Polwig Definition A polliwig. Holland.
  • English Word Poly Definition A whitish woolly plant (Teucrium Polium) of the order Labiatae, found throughout the Mediterranean region. The name, with sundry prefixes, is sometimes given to other related species of the same genus.
  • English Word Poly- Definition A combining form or prefix from Gr. poly`s, many; as, polygon, a figure of many angles; polyatomic, having many atoms; polychord, polyconic.
  • English Word Poly-mountain Definition Same as Poly, n.
  • English Word Poly-mountain Definition The closely related Teucrium montanum, formerly called Polium montanum, a plant of Southern Europe.
  • English Word Poly-mountain Definition The Bartsia alpina, a low purple-flowered herb of Europe.
  • English Word Polyacid Definition Capable of neutralizing, or of combining with, several molecules of a monobasic acid; having more than one hydrogen atom capable of being replaced by acid radicals; -- said of certain bases; as, calcium hydrate and glycerin are polyacid bases.
  • English Word Polyacoustic Definition Multiplying or magnifying sound.
  • English Word Polyacoustic Definition A polyacoustic instrument.
  • English Word Polyacoustics Definition The art of multiplying or magnifying sounds.
  • English Word Polyacra Definition of Polyacron
  • English Word Polyacron Definition A solid having many summits or angular points; a polyhedron.
  • English Word Polyacrons Definition of Polyacron
  • English Word Polyactinia Definition An old name for those Anthozoa which, like the actinias, have numerous simple tentacles.
  • English Word Polyadelphia Definition A Linnaean class of plants having stamens united in three or more bodies or bundles by the filaments.
  • English Word Polyadelphian Definition Alt. of Polyadelphous
  • English Word Polyadelphous Definition Belonging to the class Polyadelphia; having stamens united in three or more bundles.
  • English Word Polyandria Definition A Linnaean class of monoclinous or hermaphrodite plants, having many stamens, or any number above twenty, inserted in the receptacle.
  • English Word Polyandrian Definition Polyandrous.
  • English Word Polyandric Definition Pertaining to, or characterized by, polyandry; mating with several males.