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  • English Word Polyandrous Definition Belonging to the class Polyandria; having many stamens, or any number above twenty, inserted in the receptacle.
  • English Word Polyandry Definition The possession by a woman of more than one husband at the same time; -- contrasted with monandry.
  • English Word Polyanthus Definition The oxlip. So called because the peduncle bears a many-flowered umbel. See Oxlip. (b) A bulbous flowering plant of the genus Narcissus (N. Tazetta, or N. polyanthus of some authors). See Illust. of Narcissus.
  • English Word Polyanthuses Definition of Polyanthus
  • English Word Polyarchist Definition One who advocates polyarchy; -- opposed to monarchist.
  • English Word Polyarchy Definition A government by many persons, of whatever order or class.
  • English Word Polyatomic Definition Having more than one atom in the molecule; consisting of several atoms.
  • English Word Polyatomic Definition Having a valence greater than one.
  • English Word Polyautography Definition The act or practice of multiplying copies of one's own handwriting, or of manuscripts, by printing from stone, -- a species of lithography.
  • English Word Polybasic Definition Capable of neutralizing, or of combining with, several molecules of a monacid base; having several hydrogen atoms capable of being replaced by basic radicals; -- said of certain acids; as, sulphuric acid is polybasic.
  • English Word Polybasite Definition An iron-black ore of silver, consisting of silver, sulphur, and antimony, with some copper and arsenic.
  • English Word Polybranchia Definition A division of Nudibranchiata including those which have numerous branchiae on the back.
  • English Word Polybromide Definition A bromide containing more than one atom of bromine in the molecule.
  • English Word Polycarpellary Definition Composed of several or numerous carpels; -- said of such fruits as the orange.
  • English Word Polycarpic Definition Alt. of Polycarpous
  • English Word Polycarpous Definition Bearing fruit repeatedly, or year after year.
  • English Word Polycarpous Definition Having several pistils in one flower.
  • English Word Polychaeta Definition One of the two principal groups of Chaetopoda. It includes those that have prominent parapodia and fascicles of setae. See Illust. under Parapodia.
  • English Word Polychloride Definition A chloride containing more than one atom of chlorine in the molecule.
  • English Word Polychoerany Definition A government by many chiefs, princes, or rules.
  • English Word Polychord Definition Having many strings.
  • English Word Polychord Definition A musical instrument of ten strings.
  • English Word Polychord Definition An apparatus for coupling two octave notes, capable of being attached to a keyed instrument.
  • English Word Polychrest Definition A medicine that serves for many uses, or that cures many diseases.
  • English Word Polychroism Definition Same as Pleochroism.
  • English Word Polychroite Definition The coloring matter of saffron; -- formerly so called because of the change of color on treatment with certain acids; -- called also crocin, and safranin.
  • English Word Polychromate Definition A salt of a polychromic acid.
  • English Word Polychromate Definition A compound which exhibits, or from which may be prepared, a variety of colors, as certain solutions derived from vegetables, which display colors by fluorescence.
  • English Word Polychromatic Definition Showing a variety, or a change, of colors.
  • English Word Polychrome Definition Esculin; -- so called in allusion to its fluorescent solutions.