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- English Word Hydrostatically Definition According to hydrostatics, or to hydrostatic principles.
- English Word Hydrostatician Definition One who is versed or skilled in hydrostatics.
- English Word Hydrostatics Definition The branch of science which relates to the pressure and equilibrium of nonelastic fluids, as water, mercury, etc.; the principles of statics applied to water and other liquids.
- English Word Hydrosulphate Definition Same as Hydrosulphurent.
- English Word Hydrosulphide Definition One of a series of compounds, derived from hydrogen sulphide by the replacement of half its hydrogen by a base or basic radical; as, potassium hydrosulphide, KSH. The hydrosulphides are analogous to the hydrates and include the mercaptans.
- English Word Hydrosulphite Definition A saline compound of hydrosulphurous acid and a base.
- English Word Hydrosulphuret Definition A hydrosulphide.
- English Word Hydrosulphureted Definition Combined with hydrogen sulphide.
- English Word Hydrosulphuric Definition Pertaining to, or derived from, hydrogen and sulphur; as, hydrosulphuric acid, a designation applied to the solution of hydrogen sulphide in water.
- English Word Hydrosulphurous Definition Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the reduction of sulphurous acid. See Hyposulphurous acid, under Hyposulphurous.
- English Word Hydrotellurate Definition A salt formed by the union of hydrotelluric acid and the base.
- English Word Hydrotelluric Definition Formed by hydrogen and tellurium; as, hydrotelluric acid, or hydrogen telluride.
- English Word Hydrotheca Definition One of the calicles which, in some Hydroidea (Thecaphora), protect the hydrants. See Illust. of Hydroidea, and Campanularian.
- English Word Hydrothecae Definition of Hydrotheca
- English Word Hydrothecas Definition of Hydrotheca
- English Word Hydrotherapy Definition See Hydropathy.
- English Word Hydrothermal Definition Of or pertaining to hot water; -- used esp. with reference to the action of heated waters in dissolving, redepositing, and otherwise producing mineral changes within the crust of the globe.
- English Word Hydrothorax Definition An accumulation of serous fluid in the cavity of the chest.
- English Word Hydrotic Definition Causing a discharge of water or phlegm.
- English Word Hydrotic Definition A hydrotic medicine.
- English Word Hydrotical Definition Hydrotic.
- English Word Hydrotrope Definition A device for raising water by the direct action of steam; a pulsometer.
- English Word Hydrotropic Definition Turning or bending towards moisture, as roots.
- English Word Hydrotropism Definition A tendency towards moisture.
- English Word Hydrous Definition Containing water; watery.
- English Word Hydrous Definition Containing water of hydration or crystallization.
- English Word Hydroxanthane Definition A persulphocyanate.
- English Word Hydroxanthic Definition Persulphocyanic.
- English Word Hydroxide Definition A hydrate; a substance containing hydrogen and oxygen, made by combining water with an oxide, and yielding water by elimination. The hydroxides are regarded as compounds of hydroxyl, united usually with basic element or radical; as, calcium hydroxide ethyl hydroxide.
- English Word Hydroxy- Definition A combining form, also used adjectively, indicating hydroxyl as an ingredient.