CPage 180
- English Word Chop Definition To crack. See Chap, v. t. & i.
- English Word Chop Definition The act of chopping; a stroke.
- English Word Chop Definition A piece chopped off; a slice or small piece, especially of meat; as, a mutton chop.
- English Word Chop Definition A crack or cleft. See Chap.
- English Word Chop Definition A jaw of an animal; -- commonly in the pl. See Chops.
- English Word Chop Definition A movable jaw or cheek, as of a wooden vise.
- English Word Chop Definition The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbor, or channel; as, East Chop or West Chop. See Chops.
- English Word Chop Definition Quality; brand; as, silk of the first chop.
- English Word Chop Definition A permit or clearance.
- English Word Chop-logic Definition One who bandies words or is very argumentative.
- English Word Chopboat Definition A licensed lighter employed in the transportation of goods to and from vessels.
- English Word Chopchurch Definition An exchanger or an exchange of benefices.
- English Word Chopfallen Definition Having the lower chop or jaw depressed; hence, crestfallen; dejected; dispirited; downcast. See Chapfallen.
- English Word Chophouse Definition A house where chops, etc., are sold; an eating house.
- English Word Chophouse Definition A customhouse where transit duties are levied.
- English Word Chopin Definition A liquid measure formerly used in France and Great Britain, varying from half a pint to a wine quart.
- English Word Chopin Definition See Chopine.
- English Word Chopine Definition A clog, or patten, having a very thick sole, or in some cases raised upon a stilt to a height of a foot or more.
- English Word Chopness Definition A kind of spade.
- English Word Chopped Definition of Chop
- English Word Chopper Definition One who, or that which, chops.
- English Word Chopping Definition of Chop
- English Word Chopping Definition Stout or plump; large.
- English Word Chopping Definition Shifting or changing suddenly, as the wind; also, having tumbling waves dashing against each other; as, a chopping sea.
- English Word Chopping Definition Act of cutting by strokes.
- English Word Choppy Definition Full of cracks.
- English Word Choppy Definition Rough, with short, tumultuous waves; as, a choppy sea.
- English Word Chops Definition The jaws; also, the fleshy parts about the mouth.
- English Word Chops Definition The sides or capes at the mouth of a river, channel, harbor, or bay; as, the chops of the English Channel.
- English Word Chopstick Definition One of two small sticks of wood, ivory, etc., used by the Chinese and Japanese to convey food to the mouth.