CPage 179
- English Word Chondrogenesis Definition The development of cartilage.
- English Word Chondroid Definition Resembling cartilage.
- English Word Chondrology Definition The science which treats of cartilages.
- English Word Chondroma Definition A cartilaginous tumor or growth.
- English Word Chondromata Definition of Chondroma
- English Word Chondrometer Definition A steelyard for weighting grain.
- English Word Chondropterygian Definition Having a cartilaginous skeleton.
- English Word Chondropterygian Definition One of the Chondropterygii.
- English Word Chondropterygii Definition A group of fishes, characterized by cartilaginous fins and skeleton. It includes both ganoids (sturgeons, etc.) and selachians (sharks), but is now often restricted to the latter.
- English Word Chondrostei Definition An order of fishes, including the sturgeons; -- so named because the skeleton is cartilaginous.
- English Word Chondrotomy Definition The dissection of cartilages.
- English Word Chondrule Definition A peculiar rounded granule of some mineral, usually enstatite or chrysolite, found imbedded more or less abundantly in the mass of many meteoric stones, which are hence called chondrites.
- English Word Choose Definition To make choice of; to select; to take by way of preference from two or more objects offered; to elect; as, to choose the least of two evils.
- English Word Choose Definition To wish; to desire; to prefer.
- English Word Choose Definition To make a selection; to decide.
- English Word Choose Definition To do otherwise.
- English Word Chooser Definition One who chooses; one who has the power or right of choosing; an elector.
- English Word Choosing Definition of Choose
- English Word Chop Definition To cut by striking repeatedly with a sharp instrument; to cut into pieces; to mince; -- often with up.
- English Word Chop Definition To sever or separate by one more blows of a sharp instrument; to divide; -- usually with off or down.
- English Word Chop Definition To seize or devour greedily; -- with up.
- English Word Chop Definition To make a quick strike, or repeated strokes, with an ax or other sharp instrument.
- English Word Chop Definition To do something suddenly with an unexpected motion; to catch or attempt to seize.
- English Word Chop Definition To interrupt; -- with in or out.
- English Word Chop Definition To barter or truck.
- English Word Chop Definition To exchange; substitute one thing for another.
- English Word Chop Definition To purchase by way of truck.
- English Word Chop Definition To vary or shift suddenly; as, the wind chops about.
- English Word Chop Definition To wrangle; to altercate; to bandy words.
- English Word Chop Definition A change; a vicissitude.