CPage 182
- English Word Choregraphy Definition The art of representing dancing by signs, as music is represented by notes.
- English Word Choreic Definition Of the nature of, or pertaining to, chorea; convulsive.
- English Word Chorepiscopal Definition Pertaining to a chorepiscopus or his change or authority.
- English Word Chorepiscopi Definition of Chorepiscopus
- English Word Chorepiscopus Definition A "country" or suffragan bishop, appointed in the ancient church by a diocesan bishop to exercise episcopal jurisdiction in a rural district.
- English Word Choreus Definition Alt. of Choree
- English Word Choriamb Definition Same as Choriambus.
- English Word Choriambi Definition of Choriambus
- English Word Choriambic Definition Pertaining to a choriamb.
- English Word Choriambic Definition A choriamb.
- English Word Choriambs Definition of Choriamb
- English Word Choriambus Definition A foot consisting of four syllables, of which the first and last are long, and the other short (- ~ ~ -); that is, a choreus, or trochee, and an iambus united.
- English Word Choriambuses Definition of Choriambus
- English Word Choric Definition Of or pertaining to a chorus.
- English Word Choring Definition of Chore
- English Word Chorion Definition The outer membrane which invests the fetus in the womb; also, the similar membrane investing many ova at certain stages of development.
- English Word Chorion Definition The true skin, or cutis.
- English Word Chorion Definition The outer membrane of seeds of plants.
- English Word Chorisis Definition The separation of a leaf or floral organ into two more parts.
- English Word Chorist Definition A singer in a choir; a chorister.
- English Word Chorister Definition One of a choir; a singer in a chorus.
- English Word Chorister Definition One who leads a choir in church music.
- English Word Choristic Definition Choric; choral.
- English Word Chorograph Definition An instrument for constructing triangles in marine surveying, etc.
- English Word Chorographer Definition One who describes or makes a map of a district or region.
- English Word Chorographer Definition A geographical antiquary; one who investigates the locality of ancient places.
- English Word Chorographical Definition Pertaining to chorography.
- English Word Chorography Definition the mapping or description of a region or district.
- English Word Choroid Definition resembling the chorion; as, the choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain, and the choroid coat of the eyeball.
- English Word Choroid Definition The choroid coat of the eye. See Eye.