CPage 178
- English Word Choleric Definition Angry; indicating anger; excited by anger.
- English Word Cholericly Definition In a choleric manner; angrily.
- English Word Choleriform Definition Resembling cholera.
- English Word Cholerine Definition The precursory symptoms of cholera.
- English Word Cholerine Definition The first stage of epidemic cholera.
- English Word Cholerine Definition A mild form of cholera.
- English Word Choleroid Definition Choleriform.
- English Word Cholesteric Definition Pertaining to cholesterin, or obtained from it; as, cholesteric acid.
- English Word Cholesterin Definition A white, fatty, crystalline substance, tasteless and odorless, found in animal and plant products and tissue, and especially in nerve tissue, in the bile, and in gallstones.
- English Word Choliamb Definition Alt. of Choliambic
- English Word Choliambic Definition A verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last.
- English Word Cholic Definition Alt. of Cholinic
- English Word Choline Definition See Neurine.
- English Word Cholinic Definition Pertaining to, or obtained from, the bile.
- English Word Cholochrome Definition See Bilirubin.
- English Word Cholophaein Definition See Bilirubin.
- English Word Choltry Definition A Hindoo caravansary.
- English Word Chomp Definition To chew loudly and greedily; to champ.
- English Word Chondrification Definition Formation of, or conversion into, cartilage.
- English Word Chondrify Definition To convert, or be converted, into cartilage.
- English Word Chondrigen Definition The chemical basis of cartilage, converted by long boiling in water into a gelatinous body called chondrin.
- English Word Chondrigenous Definition Affording chondrin.
- English Word Chondrin Definition A colorless, amorphous, nitrogenous substance, tasteless and odorless, formed from cartilaginous tissue by long-continued action of boiling water. It is similar to gelatin, and is a large ingredient of commercial gelatin.
- English Word Chondrite Definition A meteoric stone characterized by the presence of chondrules.
- English Word Chondritic Definition Granular; pertaining to, or having the granular structure characteristic of, the class of meteorites called chondrites.
- English Word Chondritis Definition An inflammation of cartilage.
- English Word Chondro- Definition A combining form meaning a grain, granular, granular cartilage, cartilaginous; as, the chondrocranium, the cartilaginous skull of the lower vertebrates and of embryos.
- English Word Chondrodite Definition A fluosilicate of magnesia and iron, yellow to red in color, often occurring in granular form in a crystalline limestone.
- English Word Chondroganoidea Definition An order of ganoid fishes, including the sturgeons; -- so called on account of their cartilaginous skeleton.
- English Word Chondrogen Definition Same as Chondrigen.