SPage 643
- English Word Superacidulated Definition Acidulated to excess.
- English Word Superadd Definition To add over and above; to add to what has been added; to annex, as something extrinsic.
- English Word Superadded Definition of Superadd
- English Word Superadding Definition of Superadd
- English Word Superaddition Definition The act of adding something in excess or something extraneous; also, something which is added in excess or extraneously.
- English Word Superadvenient Definition Coming upon; coming in addition to, or in assistance of, something.
- English Word Superalimentation Definition The act of overfeeding, or making one take food in excess of the natural appetite for it.
- English Word Superaltar Definition A raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar, on which different objects can be placed; a predella or gradino.
- English Word Superangelic Definition Superior to the angels in nature or rank.
- English Word Superannuate Definition To impair or disquality on account of age or infirmity.
- English Word Superannuate Definition To give a pension to, on account of old age or other infirmity; to cause to retire from service on a pension.
- English Word Superannuate Definition To last beyond the year; -- said of annual plants.
- English Word Superannuated Definition of Superannuate
- English Word Superannuating Definition of Superannuate
- English Word Superannuation Definition The state of being superannuated, or too old for office or business; the state of being disqualified by old age; decrepitude.
- English Word Superb Definition Grand; magnificent; august; stately; as, a superb edifice; a superb colonnade.
- English Word Superb Definition Rich; elegant; as, superb furniture or decorations.
- English Word Superb Definition Showy; excellent; grand; as, a superb exhibition.
- English Word Superbiate Definition To make (a person) haughty.
- English Word Supercarbonate Definition A bicarbonate.
- English Word Supercarbureted Definition Bicarbureted.
- English Word Supercargo Definition An officer or person in a merchant ship, whose duty is to manage the sales, and superintend the commercial concerns, of the voyage.
- English Word Supercarpal Definition Situated above, or in the upper part of, the carpus.
- English Word Supercelestial Definition Situated above the firmament, or great vault of heaven.
- English Word Supercelestial Definition Higher than celestial; superangelic.
- English Word Supercharge Definition To charge (a bearing) upon another bearing; as, to supercharge a rose upon a fess.
- English Word Supercharge Definition A bearing charged upon another bearing.
- English Word Supercharged Definition of Supercharge
- English Word Supercharging Definition of Supercharge
- English Word Superchemical Definition Above or beyond chemistry; inexplicable by chemical laws.