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  • English Word Superexcellent Definition Excellent in an uncommon degree; very excellent.
  • English Word Superexcination Definition Excessive, or more than normal, excitation.
  • English Word Superexcrescence Definition Something growing superfluously.
  • English Word Superfamily Definition A group intermediate between a family and a suborder.
  • English Word Superfecundation Definition Fertilization of two ova, at the same menstruation, by two different acts of coition.
  • English Word Superfecundity Definition Superabundant fecundity or multiplication of the species.
  • English Word Superfetate Definition To conceive after a prior conception, but before the birth of the offspring.
  • English Word Superfetation Definition The formation of a fetus at the result of an impregnation occurring after another impregnation but before the birth of the offspring produced by it. This is possible only when there is a double uterus, or where menstruation persists up to the time of the second impregnation.
  • English Word Superfete Definition To superfetate.
  • English Word Superfete Definition To conceive (another fetus) after a former conception.
  • English Word Superfice Definition A superficies.
  • English Word Superficial Definition Of or pertaining to the superficies, or surface; lying on the surface; shallow; not deep; as, a superficial color; a superficial covering; superficial measure or contents; superficial tillage.
  • English Word Superficial Definition Reaching or comprehending only what is obvious or apparent; not deep or profound; shallow; -- said especially in respect to study, learning, and the like; as, a superficial scholar; superficial knowledge.
  • English Word Superficialist Definition One who attends to anything superficially; a superficial or shallow person; a sciolist; a smatterer.
  • English Word Superficiality Definition The quality or state of being superficial; also, that which is superficial.
  • English Word Superficialize Definition To attend to, or to treat, superficially, or in a shallow or slighting way.
  • English Word Superficiary Definition One to whom a right of surface occupation is granted; one who pays quitrent for a house built upon another man's ground.
  • English Word Superficiary Definition Of or pertaining to the superficies, or surface; superficial.
  • English Word Superficiary Definition Situated or built on another man's land, as a house.
  • English Word Superficies Definition The surface; the exterior part, superficial area, or face of a thing.
  • English Word Superficies Definition Everything on the surface of a piece of ground, or of a building, so closely connected by art or nature as to constitute a part of it, as houses, or other superstructures, fences, trees, vines, etc.
  • English Word Superficies Definition A real right consisting of a grant by a landed proprietor of a piece of ground, bearing a strong resemblance to the long building leases granted by landholders in England, in consideration of a rent, and under reservation of the ownership of the soil.
  • English Word Superfine Definition Very fine, or most fine; being of surpassing fineness; of extra nice or fine quality; as, superfine cloth.
  • English Word Superfine Definition Excessively fine; too nice; over particular; as, superfine distinctions; superfine tastes.
  • English Word Superfineness Definition The state of being superfine.
  • English Word Superfinical Definition Extremely finical.
  • English Word Superfluence Definition Superfluity.
  • English Word Superfluitant Definition Floating above or on the surface.
  • English Word Superfluities Definition of Superfluity
  • English Word Superfluity Definition A greater quantity than is wanted; superabundance; as, a superfluity of water; a superfluity of wealth.