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  • English Word Sundart Definition Sunbeam.
  • English Word Sunday Definition The first day of the week, -- consecrated among Christians to rest from secular employments, and to religious worship; the Christian Sabbath; the Lord's Day.
  • English Word Sunday Definition Belonging to the Christian Sabbath.
  • English Word Sunder Definition To disunite in almost any manner, either by rending, cutting, or breaking; to part; to put or keep apart; to separate; to divide; to sever; as, to sunder a rope; to sunder a limb; to sunder friends.
  • English Word Sunder Definition To part; to separate.
  • English Word Sunder Definition A separation into parts; a division or severance.
  • English Word Sunder Definition To expose to the sun and wind.
  • English Word Sundered Definition of Sunder
  • English Word Sundering Definition of Sunder
  • English Word Sundew Definition Any plant of the genus Drosera, low bog plants whose leaves are beset with pediceled glands which secrete a viscid fluid that glitters like dewdrops and attracts and detains insects. After an insect is caught, the glands curve inward like tentacles and the leaf digests it. Called also lustwort.
  • English Word Sundial Definition An instrument to show the time of day by means of the shadow of a gnomon, or style, on a plate.
  • English Word Sundog Definition A luminous spot occasionally seen a few degrees from the sun, supposed to be formed by the intersection of two or more halos, or in a manner similar to that of halos.
  • English Word Sundown Definition The setting of the sun; sunset.
  • English Word Sundown Definition A kind of broad-brimmed sun hat worn by women.
  • English Word Sundries Definition Many different or small things; sundry things.
  • English Word Sundrily Definition In sundry ways; variously.
  • English Word Sundry Definition Several; divers; more than one or two; various.
  • English Word Sundry Definition Separate; diverse.
  • English Word Sundryman Definition One who deals in sundries, or a variety of articles.
  • English Word Sundrymen Definition of Sundryman
  • English Word Sunfish Definition A very large oceanic plectognath fish (Mola mola, Mola rotunda, or Orthagoriscus mola) having a broad body and a truncated tail.
  • English Word Sunfish Definition Any one of numerous species of perch-like North American fresh-water fishes of the family Centrachidae. They have a broad, compressed body, and strong dorsal spines. Among the common species of the Eastern United States are Lepomis gibbosus (called also bream, pondfish, pumpkin seed, and sunny), the blue sunfish, or dollardee (L. pallidus), and the long-eared sunfish (L. auritus). Several of the species are called also pondfish.
  • English Word Sunfish Definition The moonfish, or bluntnosed shiner.
  • English Word Sunfish Definition The opah.
  • English Word Sunfish Definition The basking, or liver, shark.
  • English Word Sunfish Definition Any large jellyfish.
  • English Word Sunflower Definition Any plant of the genus Helianthus; -- so called probably from the form and color of its flower, which is large disk with yellow rays. The commonly cultivated sunflower is Helianthus annuus, a native of America.
  • English Word Sung Definition imp. & p. p. of Sing.
  • English Word Sung Definition of Sing
  • English Word Sung Definition of Sing