SPage 644
- English Word Superchery Definition Deceit; fraud; imposition.
- English Word Superciliary Definition Of or pertaining to the eyebrows; supraorbital.
- English Word Superciliary Definition Having a distinct streak of color above the eyes; as, the superciliary woodpecker.
- English Word Supercilious Definition Lofty with pride; haughty; dictatorial; overbearing; arrogant; as, a supercilious officer; asupercilious air; supercilious behavior.
- English Word Supercilium Definition The eyebrow, or the region of the eyebrows.
- English Word Supercolumniation Definition The putting of one order above another; also, an architectural work produced by this method; as, the putting of the Doric order in the ground story, Ionic above it, and Corinthian or Composite above this.
- English Word Superconception Definition Superfetation.
- English Word Superconsequence Definition Remote consequence.
- English Word Supercrescence Definition That which grows upon another growing thing; a parasite.
- English Word Supercrescent Definition Growing on some other growing thing.
- English Word Supercretaceous Definition Same as Supracretaceous.
- English Word Supercurious Definition Excessively curious or inquisitive.
- English Word Superdominant Definition The sixth tone of the scale; that next above the dominant; -- called also submediant.
- English Word Supereminence Definition Alt. of Supereminency
- English Word Supereminency Definition The quality or state of being supereminent; distinguished eminence; as, the supereminence of Cicero as an orator, or Lord Chatham as a statesman.
- English Word Supereminent Definition Eminent in a superior degree; surpassing others in excellence; as, a supereminent divine; the supereminent glory of Christ.
- English Word Supererogant Definition Supererogatory.
- English Word Supererogate Definition To do more than duty requires; to perform works of supererogation; to atone (for a dificiency in another) by means of a surplus action or quality.
- English Word Supererogated Definition of Supererogate
- English Word Supererogating Definition of Supererogate
- English Word Supererogation Definition The act of supererogating; performance of more than duty or necessity requires.
- English Word Supererogative Definition Supererogatory.
- English Word Supererogatory Definition Performed to an extent not enjoined, or not required, by duty or necessity; as, supererogatory services.
- English Word Superessential Definition Essential above others, or above the constitution of a thing.
- English Word Superethical Definition More than ethical; above ethics.
- English Word Superexalt Definition To exalt to a superior degree; to exalt above others.
- English Word Superexaltation Definition Elevation above the common degree.
- English Word Superexalted Definition of Superexalt
- English Word Superexalting Definition of Superexalt
- English Word Superexcellence Definition Superior excellence; extraordinary excellence.