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  • English Word Sullage Definition The scoria on the surface of molten metal in the ladle.
  • English Word Sullage Definition Silt; mud deposited by water.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Lonely; solitary; desolate.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Gloomy; dismal; foreboding.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Mischievous; malignant; unpropitious.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Gloomily angry and silent; cross; sour; affected with ill humor; morose.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Obstinate; intractable.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Heavy; dull; sluggish.
  • English Word Sullen Definition One who is solitary, or lives alone; a hermit.
  • English Word Sullen Definition Sullen feelings or manners; sulks; moroseness; as, to have the sullens.
  • English Word Sullen Definition To make sullen or sluggish.
  • English Word Sullevate Definition To rouse; to excite.
  • English Word Sulliage Definition Foulness; filth.
  • English Word Sullied Definition of Sully
  • English Word Sullies Definition of Sully
  • English Word Sully Definition To soil; to dirty; to spot; to tarnish; to stain; to darken; -- used literally and figuratively; as, to sully a sword; to sully a person's reputation.
  • English Word Sully Definition To become soiled or tarnished.
  • English Word Sully Definition Soil; tarnish; stain.
  • English Word Sullying Definition of Sully
  • English Word Sulphacid Definition An acid in which, to a greater or less extent, sulphur plays a part analogous to that of oxygen in an oxyacid; thus, thiosulphuric and sulpharsenic acids are sulphacids; -- called also sulphoacid. See the Note under Acid, n., 2.
  • English Word Sulphamate Definition A salt of sulphamic acid.
  • English Word Sulphamic Definition Of or pertaining to a sulphamide; derived from, or related to, a sulphamide; specifically, designating an amido acid derivative, NH2.SO2.OH, of sulphuric acid (analogous to sulphonic acid) which is not known in the free state, but is known in its salts.
  • English Word Sulphamide Definition Any one of a series of amido compounds obtained by treating sulphuryl chloride with various amines.
  • English Word Sulphanilic Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, an anilene sulphonic acid which is obtained as a white crystalline substance.
  • English Word Sulphantimonate Definition A salt of sulphantimonic acid.
  • English Word Sulphantimonic Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid of antimony (called also thioantimonic acid) analogous to sulpharsenic acid.
  • English Word Sulphantimonious Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid of antimony (called also thioantimonious acid) analogous to sulpharsenious acid.
  • English Word Sulphantimonite Definition A salt of sulphantimonious acid.
  • English Word Sulpharsenate Definition A salt of sulpharsenic acid.
  • English Word Sulpharsenic Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, a hypothetical sulphacid (called also thioarsenic acid) analogous to arsenic acid, and known only in its salts.