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  • English Word Sugaring Definition The act or process of making sugar.
  • English Word Sugarless Definition Without sugar; free from sugar.
  • English Word Sugarplum Definition A kind of candy or sweetneat made up in small balls or disks.
  • English Word Sugary Definition Resembling or containing sugar; tasting of sugar; sweet.
  • English Word Sugary Definition Fond of sugar or sweet things; as, a sugary palate.
  • English Word Sugescent Definition Of or pertaining to sucking.
  • English Word Suggest Definition To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects.
  • English Word Suggest Definition To propose with difference or modesty; to hint; to intimate; as, to suggest a difficulty.
  • English Word Suggest Definition To seduce; to prompt to evil; to tempt.
  • English Word Suggest Definition To inform secretly.
  • English Word Suggest Definition To make suggestions; to tempt.
  • English Word Suggested Definition of Suggest
  • English Word Suggester Definition One who suggests.
  • English Word Suggesting Definition of Suggest
  • English Word Suggestion Definition The act of suggesting; presentation of an idea.
  • English Word Suggestion Definition That which is suggested; an intimation; an insinuation; a hint; a different proposal or mention; also, formerly, a secret incitement; temptation.
  • English Word Suggestion Definition Charge; complaint; accusation.
  • English Word Suggestion Definition Information without oath; an entry of a material fact or circumstance on the record for the information of the court, at the death or insolvency of a party.
  • English Word Suggestion Definition The act or power of originating or recalling ideas or relations, distinguished as original and relative; -- a term much used by Scottish metaphysicians from Hutcherson to Thomas Brown.
  • English Word Suggestive Definition Containing a suggestion, hint, or intimation.
  • English Word Suggestment Definition Suggestion.
  • English Word Suggestress Definition A woman who suggests.
  • English Word Suggil Definition To defame.
  • English Word Suggillate Definition To beat livid, or black and blue.
  • English Word Suggillation Definition A livid, or black and blue, mark; a blow; a bruise.
  • English Word Sui generis Definition Of his or its own kind.
  • English Word Suicidal Definition Partaking of, or of the nature of, the crime or suicide.
  • English Word Suicide Definition The act of taking one's own life voluntary and intentionally; self-murder; specifically (Law), the felonious killing of one's self; the deliberate and intentional destruction of one's own life by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind.
  • English Word Suicide Definition One guilty of self-murder; a felo-de-se.
  • English Word Suicide Definition Ruin of one's own interests.