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  • English Word Sulphurwort Definition The hog's fennel. See under Fennel.
  • English Word Sulphury Definition Resembling, or partaking of the nature of, sulphur; having the qualities of sulphur.
  • English Word Sulphuryl Definition The hypothetical radical SO2; -- called also sulphon.
  • English Word Sulphydrate Definition A compound, analogous to a hydrate, regarded as a salt of sulphydric acid, or as a derivative of hydrogen sulphide in which one half of the hydrogen is replaced by a base (as potassium sulphydrate, KSH), or as a hydrate in which the oxygen has been wholly or partially replaced by sulphur.
  • English Word Sulphydric Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, hydrogen sulphide, which is regarded as an acid, especially when in solution.
  • English Word Sulpician Definition One of an order of priests established in France in 1642 to educate men for the ministry. The order was introduced soon afterwards into Canada, and in 1791 into the United States.
  • English Word Sultan Definition A ruler, or sovereign, of a Mohammedan state; specifically, the ruler of the Turks; the Padishah, or Grand Seignior; -- officially so called.
  • English Word Sultan-red Definition Having a deep red color.
  • English Word Sultana Definition The wife of a sultan; a sultaness.
  • English Word Sultana Definition A kind of seedless raisin produced near Smyrna in Asiatic Turkey.
  • English Word Sultanate Definition The rule or dominion of a sultan; sultanship.
  • English Word Sultaness Definition A sultana.
  • English Word Sultanic Definition Pertaining to a sultan.
  • English Word Sultanry Definition The dominions of a sultan.
  • English Word Sultanship Definition The office or dignity of a sultan.
  • English Word Sultany Definition Sultanry.
  • English Word Sultriness Definition The quality or state of being sultry.
  • English Word Sultry Definition Very hot, burning, and oppressive; as, Libya's sultry deserts.
  • English Word Sultry Definition Very hot and moist, or hot, close, stagnant, and oppressive, as air.
  • English Word Sultryly Definition In a sultry manner.
  • English Word Sum Definition The aggregate of two or more numbers, magnitudes, quantities, or particulars; the amount or whole of any number of individuals or particulars added together; as, the sum of 5 and 7 is 12.
  • English Word Sum Definition A quantity of money or currency; any amount, indefinitely; as, a sum of money; a small sum, or a large sum.
  • English Word Sum Definition The principal points or thoughts when viewed together; the amount; the substance; compendium; as, this is the sum of all the evidence in the case; this is the sum and substance of his objections.
  • English Word Sum Definition Height; completion; utmost degree.
  • English Word Sum Definition A problem to be solved, or an example to be wrought out.
  • English Word Sum Definition To bring together into one whole; to collect into one amount; to cast up, as a column of figures; to ascertain the totality of; -- usually with up.
  • English Word Sum Definition To bring or collect into a small compass; to comprise in a few words; to condense; -- usually with up.
  • English Word Sum Definition To have (the feathers) full grown; to furnish with complete, or full-grown, plumage.
  • English Word Sumac Definition Alt. of Sumach
  • English Word Sumach Definition Any plant of the genus Rhus, shrubs or small trees with usually compound leaves and clusters of small flowers. Some of the species are used in tanning, some in dyeing, and some in medicine. One, the Japanese Rhus vernicifera, yields the celebrated Japan varnish, or lacquer.