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  • English Word Suite Definition One of the old musical forms, before the time of the more compact sonata, consisting of a string or series of pieces all in the same key, mostly in various dance rhythms, with sometimes an elaborate prelude. Some composers of the present day affect the suite form.
  • English Word Suited Definition of Suit
  • English Word Suiting Definition of Suit
  • English Word Suiting Definition Among tailors, cloth suitable for making entire suits of clothes.
  • English Word Suitor Definition One who sues, petitions, or entreats; a petitioner; an applicant.
  • English Word Suitor Definition Especially, one who solicits a woman in marriage; a wooer; a lover.
  • English Word Suitor Definition One who sues or prosecutes a demand in court; a party to a suit, as a plaintiff, petitioner, etc.
  • English Word Suitor Definition One who attends a court as plaintiff, defendant, petitioner, appellant, witness, juror, or the like.
  • English Word Suitress Definition A female supplicant.
  • English Word Suji Definition Indian wheat, granulated but not pulverized; a kind of semolina.
  • English Word Sula Definition A genus of sea birds including the booby and the common gannet.
  • English Word Sulcate Definition Alt. of Sulcated
  • English Word Sulcated Definition Scored with deep and regular furrows; furrowed or grooved; as, a sulcated stem.
  • English Word Sulcation Definition A channel or furrow.
  • English Word Sulci Definition of Sulcus
  • English Word Sulciform Definition Having the form of a sulcus; as, sulciform markings.
  • English Word Sulcus Definition A furrow; a groove; a fissure.
  • English Word Suleah fish Definition A coarse fish of India, used in making a breakfast relish called burtah.
  • English Word Sulk Definition A furrow.
  • English Word Sulk Definition To be silently sullen; to be morose or obstinate.
  • English Word Sulker Definition One who sulks.
  • English Word Sulkies Definition of Sulky
  • English Word Sulkily Definition In a sulky manner.
  • English Word Sulkiness Definition The quality or state of being sulky; sullenness; moroseness; as, sulkiness of disposition.
  • English Word Sulks Definition The condition of being sulky; a sulky mood or humor; as, to be in the sulks.
  • English Word Sulky Definition Moodly silent; sullen; sour; obstinate; morose; splenetic.
  • English Word Sulky Definition A light two-wheeled carriage for a single person.
  • English Word Sull Definition A plow.
  • English Word Sullage Definition Drainage of filth; filth collected from the street or highway; sewage.
  • English Word Sullage Definition That which sullies or defiles.