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  • English Word Suffruticous Definition Suffruticose.
  • English Word Suffumigate Definition To apply fumes or smoke to the parts of, as to the body in medicine; to fumigate in part.
  • English Word Suffumigated Definition of Suffumigate
  • English Word Suffumigating Definition of Suffumigate
  • English Word Suffumigation Definition The operation of suffumigating.
  • English Word Suffumige Definition A medical fume.
  • English Word Suffuse Definition To overspread, as with a fluid or tincture; to fill or cover, as with something fluid; as, eyes suffused with tears; cheeks suffused with blushes.
  • English Word Suffused Definition of Suffuse
  • English Word Suffusing Definition of Suffuse
  • English Word Suffusion Definition The act or process of suffusing, or state of being suffused; an overspreading.
  • English Word Suffusion Definition That with which a thing is suffused.
  • English Word Suffusion Definition A blending of one color into another; the spreading of one color over another, as on the feathers of birds.
  • English Word Sufi Definition A title or surname of the king of Persia.
  • English Word Sufi Definition One of a certain order of religious men in Persia.
  • English Word Sufism Definition A refined mysticism among certain classes of Mohammedans, particularly in Persia, who hold to a kind of pantheism and practice extreme asceticism in their lives.
  • English Word Sufragette. Definition A woman who advocates the right to vote for women; a woman suffragist.
  • English Word Sug Definition A kind of worm or larva.
  • English Word Sugar Definition A sweet white (or brownish yellow) crystalline substance, of a sandy or granular consistency, obtained by crystallizing the evaporated juice of certain plants, as the sugar cane, sorghum, beet root, sugar maple, etc. It is used for seasoning and preserving many kinds of food and drink. Ordinary sugar is essentially sucrose. See the Note below.
  • English Word Sugar Definition By extension, anything resembling sugar in taste or appearance; as, sugar of lead (lead acetate), a poisonous white crystalline substance having a sweet taste.
  • English Word Sugar Definition Compliment or flattery used to disguise or render acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words.
  • English Word Sugar Definition In making maple sugar, to complete the process of boiling down the sirup till it is thick enough to crystallize; to approach or reach the state of granulation; -- with the preposition off.
  • English Word Sugar Definition To impregnate, season, cover, or sprinkle with sugar; to mix sugar with.
  • English Word Sugar Definition To cover with soft words; to disguise by flattery; to compliment; to sweeten; as, to sugar reproof.
  • English Word Sugar-house Definition A building in which sugar is made or refined; a sugar manufactory.
  • English Word Sugared Definition of Sugar
  • English Word Sugared Definition Sweetened.
  • English Word Sugared Definition Also used figuratively; as, sugared kisses.
  • English Word Sugariness Definition The quality or state of being sugary, or sweet.
  • English Word Sugaring Definition of Sugar
  • English Word Sugaring Definition The act of covering or sweetening with sugar; also, the sugar thus used.