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  • English Word Suent Definition Uniformly or evenly distributed or spread; even; smooth. See Suant.
  • English Word Suently Definition Evenly; smoothly.
  • English Word Suer Definition One who sues; a suitor.
  • English Word Suet Definition The fat and fatty tissues of an animal, especially the harder fat about the kidneys and loins in beef and mutton, which, when melted and freed from the membranes, forms tallow.
  • English Word Suety Definition Consisting of, or resembling, suet; as, a suety substance.
  • English Word Suf- Definition A form of the prefix Sub-.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To feel, or endure, with pain, annoyance, etc.; to submit to with distress or grief; to undergo; as, to suffer pain of body, or grief of mind.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To endure or undergo without sinking; to support; to sustain; to bear up under.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To undergo; to be affected by; to sustain; to experience; as, most substances suffer a change when long exposed to air and moisture; to suffer loss or damage.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To allow; to permit; not to forbid or hinder; to tolerate.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To feel or undergo pain of body or mind; to bear what is inconvenient; as, we suffer from pain, sickness, or sorrow; we suffer with anxiety.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To undergo punishment; specifically, to undergo the penalty of death.
  • English Word Suffer Definition To be injured; to sustain loss or damage.
  • English Word Sufferable Definition Able to suffer or endure; patient.
  • English Word Sufferable Definition That may be suffered, tolerated, or permitted; allowable; tolerable.
  • English Word Sufferance Definition The state of suffering; the bearing of pain; endurance.
  • English Word Sufferance Definition Pain endured; misery; suffering; distress.
  • English Word Sufferance Definition Loss; damage; injury.
  • English Word Sufferance Definition Submission under difficult or oppressive circumstances; patience; moderation.
  • English Word Sufferance Definition Negative consent by not forbidding or hindering; toleration; permission; allowance; leave.
  • English Word Sufferance Definition A permission granted by the customs authorities for the shipment of goods.
  • English Word Suffered Definition of Suffer
  • English Word Sufferer Definition One who suffers; one who endures or undergoes suffering; one who sustains inconvenience or loss; as, sufferers by poverty or sickness; men are sufferers by fire or by losses at sea.
  • English Word Sufferer Definition One who permits or allows.
  • English Word Suffering Definition of Suffer
  • English Word Suffering Definition The bearing of pain, inconvenience, or loss; pain endured; distress, loss, or injury incurred; as, sufferings by pain or sorrow; sufferings by want or by wrongs.
  • English Word Suffering Definition Being in pain or grief; having loss, injury, distress, etc.
  • English Word Suffice Definition To be enough, or sufficient; to meet the need (of anything); to be equal to the end proposed; to be adequate.
  • English Word Suffice Definition To satisfy; to content; to be equal to the wants or demands of.
  • English Word Suffice Definition To furnish; to supply adequately.