SPage 608
- English Word Subpolar Definition Situated below the poles.
- English Word Subpolygonal Definition Approximately polygonal; somewhat or almost polygonal.
- English Word Subprehensile Definition Somewhat prehensile; prehensile in an inferior degree.
- English Word Subprior Definition The vicegerent of a prior; a claustral officer who assists the prior.
- English Word Subpubic Definition Situated under, or posterior to, the pubic bones.
- English Word Subpulmonary Definition Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the lungs.
- English Word Subpurchaser Definition A purchaser who buys from a purchaser; one who buys at second hand.
- English Word Subpyriform Definition Somewhat pyriform.
- English Word Subquadrate Definition Nearly or approximately square; almost square.
- English Word Subquadruple Definition Containing one part of four; in the ratio of one to four; as, subquadruple proportion.
- English Word Subquinquefid Definition Almost quinquefid; nearly quinquefid.
- English Word Subquintuple Definition Having the ratio of one to five; as, subquintuple proportion.
- English Word Subreader Definition An under reader in the inns of court, who reads the texts of law the reader is to discourse upon.
- English Word Subrector Definition An assistant restor.
- English Word Subreligion Definition A secondary religion; a belief or principle held in a quasi religious veneration.
- English Word Subreption Definition The act of obtaining a favor by surprise, or by unfair representation through suppression or fraudulent concealment of facts.
- English Word Subreptitious Definition Surreptitious.
- English Word Subreptive Definition Surreptitious.
- English Word Subrigid Definition Somewhat rigid or stiff.
- English Word Subriguous Definition Watered or wet beneath; well-watered.
- English Word Subrogate Definition To put in the place of another; to substitute.
- English Word Subrogation Definition The act of subrogating.
- English Word Subrogation Definition The substitution of one person in the place of another as a creditor, the new creditor succeeding to the rights of the former; the mode by which a third person who pays a creditor succeeds to his rights against the debtor.
- English Word Subrotund Definition Somewhat rotund.
- English Word Subsacral Definition Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the sacrum.
- English Word Subsaline Definition Moderately saline or salt.
- English Word Subsalt Definition A basic salt. See the Note under Salt.
- English Word Subsannation Definition Derision; mockery.
- English Word Subscapular Definition Alt. of Subscapulary
- English Word Subscapulary Definition Situated beneath the scapula; infrascapular; as, the subscapular muscle.