SPage 605
- English Word Submission Definition The act of submitting; the act of yielding to power or authority; surrender of the person and power to the control or government of another; obedience; compliance.
- English Word Submission Definition The state of being submissive; acknowledgement of inferiority or dependence; humble or suppliant behavior; meekness; resignation.
- English Word Submission Definition Acknowledgement of a fault; confession of error.
- English Word Submission Definition An agreement by which parties engage to submit any matter of controversy between them to the decision of arbitrators.
- English Word Submissive Definition Inclined or ready to submit; acknowledging one's inferiority; yielding; obedient; humble.
- English Word Submissive Definition Showing a readiness to submit; expressing submission; as, a submissive demeanor.
- English Word Submissly Definition In a submissive manner; with a submission.
- English Word Submissness Definition Submissiveness.
- English Word Submit Definition To let down; to lower.
- English Word Submit Definition To put or place under.
- English Word Submit Definition To yield, resign, or surrender to power, will, or authority; -- often with the reflexive pronoun.
- English Word Submit Definition To leave or commit to the discretion or judgment of another or others; to refer; as, to submit a controversy to arbitrators; to submit a question to the court; -- often followed by a dependent proposition as the object.
- English Word Submit Definition To yield one's person to the power of another; to give up resistance; to surrender.
- English Word Submit Definition To yield one's opinion to the opinion of authority of another; to be subject; to acquiesce.
- English Word Submit Definition To be submissive or resigned; to yield without murmuring.
- English Word Submitted Definition of Submit
- English Word Submitter Definition One who submits.
- English Word Submitting Definition of Submit
- English Word Submonish Definition To suggest; to prompt.
- English Word Submonition Definition Suggestion; prompting.
- English Word Submucous Definition Situated under a mucous membrane.
- English Word Submultiple Definition A number or quality which is contained in another an exact number of times, or is an aliquot part of it; thus, 7 is the submultiple of 56, being contained in it eight times.
- English Word Submultiple Definition Of or pertaining to a submultiple; being a submultiple; as, a submultiple number; submultiple ratio.
- English Word Submuscular Definition Situated underneath a muscle or muscles.
- English Word Subnarcotic Definition Moderately narcotic.
- English Word Subnasal Definition Situated under the nose; as, the subnasal point, or the middle point of the inferior border of the anterior nasal aperture.
- English Word Subnascent Definition Growing underneath.
- English Word Subnect Definition To tie or fasten beneath; to join beneath.
- English Word Subnex Definition To subjoin; to subnect.
- English Word Subnormal Definition That part of the axis of a curved line which is intercepted between the ordinate and the normal.