SPage 610
- English Word Subsecute Definition To follow closely, or so as to overtake; to pursue.
- English Word Subsecutive Definition Following in a train or succession.
- English Word Subsellia Definition of Subsellium
- English Word Subsellium Definition One of the stalls of the lower range where there are two ranges. See Illust. of Stall.
- English Word Subsemitone Definition The sensible or leading note, or sharp seventh, of any key; subtonic.
- English Word Subsensible Definition Deeper than the reach of the senses.
- English Word Subseptuple Definition Having the ratio of one to seven.
- English Word Subsequence Definition Alt. of Subsequency
- English Word Subsequency Definition The act or state of following; -- opposed to precedence.
- English Word Subsequent Definition Following in time; coming or being after something else at any time, indefinitely; as, subsequent events; subsequent ages or years; a period long subsequent to the foundation of Rome.
- English Word Subsequent Definition Following in order of place; succeeding; as, a subsequent clause in a treaty.
- English Word Subsequently Definition At a later time; afterwards.
- English Word Subserous Definition Situated under a serous membrane.
- English Word Subserve Definition To serve in subordination or instrumentally; to be subservient to; to help forward; to promote.
- English Word Subserve Definition To be subservient or subordinate; to serve in an inferior capacity.
- English Word Subserved Definition of Subserve
- English Word Subservience Definition Alt. of Subserviency
- English Word Subserviency Definition The quality or state of being subservient; instrumental fitness or use; hence, willingness to serve another's purposes; in a derogatory sense, servility.
- English Word Subservient Definition Fitted or disposed to subserve; useful in an inferior capacity; serving to promote some end; subordinate; hence, servile, truckling.
- English Word Subserviently Definition In a subservient manner.
- English Word Subserving Definition of Subserve
- English Word Subsesqui- Definition A prefix (also used adjectively) denoting the combination of constituents (especially electro-negative and electro-positive bodies) in the proportion of two to three; as, a subsesqui acetate, i. e., a salt having two equivalents of acetic acid to three of the base.
- English Word Subsextuple Definition Having the ratio of one to six; as, a subsextuple proportion.
- English Word Subside Definition To sink or fall to the bottom; to settle, as lees.
- English Word Subside Definition To tend downward; to become lower; to descend; to sink.
- English Word Subside Definition To fall into a state of quiet; to cease to rage; to be calmed; to settle down; to become tranquil; to abate; as, the sea subsides; the tumults of war will subside; the fever has subsided.
- English Word Subsided Definition of Subside
- English Word Subsidence Definition Alt. of Subsidency
- English Word Subsidency Definition The act or process of subsiding.
- English Word Subsidiaries Definition of Subsidiary