SPage 611
- English Word Subsidiarily Definition In a subsidiary manner; so as to assist.
- English Word Subsidiary Definition Furnishing aid; assisting; auxiliary; helping; tributary; especially, aiding in an inferior position or capacity; as, a subsidiary stream.
- English Word Subsidiary Definition Of or pertaining to a subsidy; constituting a subsidy; being a part of, or of the nature of, a subsidy; as, subsidiary payments to an ally.
- English Word Subsidiary Definition One who, or that which, contributes aid or additional supplies; an assistant; an auxiliary.
- English Word Subsidies Definition of Subsidy
- English Word Subsiding Definition of Subside
- English Word Subsidize Definition To furnish with a subsidy; to purchase the assistance of by the payment of a subsidy; to aid or promote, as a private enterprise, with public money; as, to subsidize a steamship line.
- English Word Subsidized Definition of Subsidize
- English Word Subsidizing Definition of Subsidize
- English Word Subsidy Definition Support; aid; cooperation; esp., extraordinary aid in money rendered to the sovereign or to a friendly power.
- English Word Subsidy Definition Specifically: A sum of money paid by one sovereign or nation to another to purchase the cooperation or the neutrality of such sovereign or nation in war.
- English Word Subsidy Definition A grant from the government, from a municipal corporation, or the like, to a private person or company to assist the establishment or support of an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public; a subvention; as, a subsidy to the owners of a line of ocean steamships.
- English Word Subsign Definition To sign beneath; to subscribe.
- English Word Subsigned Definition of Subsign
- English Word Subsigning Definition of Subsign
- English Word Subsilicate Definition A basic silicate.
- English Word Subsinnation Definition The act of writing the name under something, as for attestation.
- English Word Subsist Definition To be; to have existence; to inhere.
- English Word Subsist Definition To continue; to retain a certain state.
- English Word Subsist Definition To be maintained with food and clothing; to be supported; to live.
- English Word Subsist Definition To support with provisions; to feed; to maintain; as, to subsist one's family.
- English Word Subsisted Definition of Subsist
- English Word Subsistence Definition Real being; existence.
- English Word Subsistence Definition Inherency; as, the subsistence of qualities in bodies.
- English Word Subsistence Definition That which furnishes support to animal life; means of support; provisions, or that which produces provisions; livelihood; as, a meager subsistence.
- English Word Subsistence Definition Same as Hypostasis, 2.
- English Word Subsistency Definition Subsistence.
- English Word Subsistent Definition Having real being; as, a subsistent spirit.
- English Word Subsistent Definition Inherent; as, qualities subsistent in matter.
- English Word Subsisting Definition of Subsist