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  • English Word Stelled Definition Firmly placed or fixed.
  • English Word Steller Definition The rytina; -- called also stellerine.
  • English Word Stellerid Definition A starfish.
  • English Word Stellerida Definition An extensive group of echinoderms, comprising the starfishes and ophiurans.
  • English Word Stelleridan Definition Alt. of Stelleridean
  • English Word Stelleridean Definition A starfish, or brittle star.
  • English Word Stelliferous Definition Having, or abounding with, stars.
  • English Word Stelliform Definition Like a star; star-shaped; radiated.
  • English Word Stellify Definition To turn into a star; to cause to appear like a star; to place among the stars, or in heaven.
  • English Word Stellion Definition A lizard (Stellio vulgaris), common about the Eastern Mediterranean among ruins. In color it is olive-green, shaded with black, with small stellate spots. Called also hardim, and star lizard.
  • English Word Stellionate Definition Any fraud not distinguished by a more special name; -- chiefly applied to sales of the same property to two different persons, or selling that for one's own which belongs to another, etc.
  • English Word Stellular Definition Having the shape or appearance of little stars; radiated.
  • English Word Stellular Definition Marked with starlike spots of color.
  • English Word Stellulate Definition Minutely stellate.
  • English Word Stelmatopoda Definition Same as Gymnolaemata.
  • English Word Stelography Definition The art of writing or inscribing characters on pillars.
  • English Word Stem Definition Alt. of Steem
  • English Word Stem Definition Alt. of Steem
  • English Word Stem Definition The principal body of a tree, shrub, or plant, of any kind; the main stock; the part which supports the branches or the head or top.
  • English Word Stem Definition A little branch which connects a fruit, flower, or leaf with a main branch; a peduncle, pedicel, or petiole; as, the stem of an apple or a cherry.
  • English Word Stem Definition The stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors.
  • English Word Stem Definition A branch of a family.
  • English Word Stem Definition A curved piece of timber to which the two sides of a ship are united at the fore end. The lower end of it is scarfed to the keel, and the bowsprit rests upon its upper end. Hence, the forward part of a vessel; the bow.
  • English Word Stem Definition Fig.: An advanced or leading position; the lookout.
  • English Word Stem Definition Anything resembling a stem or stalk; as, the stem of a tobacco pipe; the stem of a watch case, or that part to which the ring, by which it is suspended, is attached.
  • English Word Stem Definition That part of a plant which bears leaves, or rudiments of leaves, whether rising above ground or wholly subterranean.
  • English Word Stem Definition The entire central axis of a feather.
  • English Word Stem Definition The basal portion of the body of one of the Pennatulacea, or of a gorgonian.
  • English Word Stem Definition The short perpendicular line added to the body of a note; the tail of a crotchet, quaver, semiquaver, etc.
  • English Word Stem Definition The part of an inflected word which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) throughout a given inflection; theme; base.